LIRR Trestles, Bridges, and Viaducts 

Hell Gate Bridge Under Construction Archive: Detroit Publishing Company Collection, Library of Congress
Completed construction September 30th, 1916

Hell-Gate-Bridge_viewSE-1968_(Boucher-Library of Congress).jpg (362213 bytes)
Hell Gate Bridge view SE 1968 (Boucher-Library of Congress)

Ward's Island - Hell Gate c.1880s

NYCRR Hell Gate Bridge-Dutch Farmhouse and Yard - Astoria, NY (View NW) - 03-23-33 (Sperr-Keller).jpg (104253 bytes)
NYCRR Hell Gate Bridge - Dutch Farmhouse and Yard Astoria, NY 
View NW 3/23/1933 (Sperr-Keller

Hell Gate Bridge Construction

The bridge is known as the Hell Gate Bridge because it spans the section of the East River known as the Hell Gate. This particular section of river has no demonic connection, nor does it lead to any section of hell; it just separates Randall-Ward Islands from Queens. The water was named in 1614 by Adriaen Block, captain of the Onrust sailing south from Albany; Hellegat, in Old Dutch, translates apparently to 'beautiful strait'**. (Please remember that the Dutch named many of the peculiar features of this town: their word for "river" came into English as "Kill". Thus: Bronx Kill, Arthur Kill (Staten Island, etc.)

Plans for a rail bridge connecting Long Island to the American mainland were long in coming. The previous methods of getting trains through the area either involved ferrying the trains down the Hudson from the Bronx to Jersey City, or a long and costly detour through Westchester into New Jersey. Oliver W. Barnes, an engineer and friend of Pennsylvania Railroad president Alexander J. Cassatt, first drew up plans for the East River Arch Bridge in 1892. This bridge was to be part of a whole series of connections joining the Pennsylvania Railroad New Jersey and Connecticut through New York City. Bridge designer Gustav Lindenthal saw in these plans the possible realization of his dream to build a huge suspension bridge over the Hudson River. The New York Connecting Railroad company was formed that year to bring these ideas to reality.

The Pennsylvania Railroad acquired the New York Connecting Railroad sometime around 1904, and that year appointed Lindenthal as consulting engineer for the entire project. He had made a name for himself in New York with his work (some still ongoing) on three other East River bridges; this new project would ask him to join the tracks of three separate rail companies on three separate land masses. Unfortunately for Lindenthal, the plans favored rail tunnels under the Hudson rather than the bridge he dearly wanted; he was, however, given a bridge to design over the Hell Gate.

The bridge project would actually be constructed of three smaller bridges joining north Queens to the south Bronx. The first, crossing the Bronx Kills
1, was originally planned as a bascule bridge in case the Kills ever became navigable, ended up as a 350' long truss bridge. The second, crossing the now-filled Little Hell Gate 2 between Randall's and Ward's Islands, would be four reverse-arch bridges of 300'. And finally, there would be the main span, crossing the Hell Gate itself to land in Queens. All of these bridges would be connected by several thousand feet of viaducts; the full project would be more than three miles long. The bridge would also carry an unprecedented four lines of rail traffic.

Designing the bridge was difficult. The final steel-arch design was chosen because of the limiting factors inherent in the project's design. It would have to be strong enough to bear the weight of several locomotives crossing at once, with the ability to bear the locomotives of the future; it would have to rise high enough over the East River to allow ships to pass underneath; and its approach would have to handle the sharp curve required to avoid the mental hospitals on Ward's Island. And, of course, it would have to be cheap.

Lindenthal hired 95 engineers to work on the technical details of the bridge's construction, freeing himself to work on the aesthetics. Not only, he reasoned, should the bridge look impressive in order to accentuate the importance of this rail link, but it would be seen by all the passengers on these trains and also visible from all over the city. Otharr Ammann, his assistant chief engineer, felt that [a] great bridge in a great city, although primarily utilitarian in its purpose, should nevertheless be a work of art to which science lends its aid. An elaborate stress sheet, worked out on a purely economic and scientific basis, does not make a great bridge. It is only with a broad sense for beauty and harmony, coupled with wide experience in the scientific and technical field, that a monumental bridge can be created.

Two designs for the arch were brought forward in 1905. The first design, inspired by a bridge built by Gustave Eiffel in France, was rejected due to its apparent weakness. The second, approved, design, was similar to that of bridges that spanned the Rhine in Germany, and appeared more sturdy than the former. The bridge was to consist of a great steel arch, flanked on either side by two tremendous stone towers.

Construction was started on the project in 1912. Lindenthal was forced to changed some plans in 1914. The original design called for the viaduct to be supported by steel piers and girders, but the local government felt that the inmates of the island's mental hospitals could climb the steel girders and escape. This, along with the knowledge it would quiet the sounds of the rails, changed the makeup of the piers from steel to concrete.

The arch had to be constructed simultaneously from both sides with no falsework in between. The Hell Gate itself was still being used for shipping, and its waters were far too treacherous to build any support in the middle. The arches would be supported from behind, anchored in boxes filled with 850 tons of pig iron, until the two halves were joined; this happened in 1915, making it the longest steel arch bridge in the world.

The bridge project was completed in 1916, and supposedly opened to rail traffic on September 30th of that year. Most other sources point to the Opening Day ceremonies being held on April 1, 1917, with the first train (part of the Federal Express service, running from Boston to Washington) crossing the bridge two days later, and completing the link started in 1904 with the building of the Pennsylvania tunnels under the Hudson River and furthered with the 1910 opening of the East River rail tunnels.

The bridge underwent very few changes in the rest of its history. Lindenthal suggested that a second deck be added to carry cars and pedestrians and join the bridge to Manhattan, but this was overruled in favor of the Triborough Bridge. The bridge went unmaintained for most of its life, unpainted (except for graffiti) and raining rust and the occasional bolt down onto Astoria. Amtrak president W. Graham Claytor, Jr. felt that since the bridge was still structurally sound, they didn't feel the need to spend money to make it look better. A campaign, started in the late 1980s by Astoria native and state Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, got $55 million from Congress to refurbish the bridge. The project was finished in 1996 and the bridge was repainted the unique color "Hell Gate Red".


The entire bridgeway is 16,900' long. The Hell Gate Bridge itself has a 977' span, 1,017' with the two Gothic towers on either side of the arch included. The bridge was the longest of its kind in the world until the Sydney Harbor bridge opened in 1931 (itself quickly beaten out by the Bayonne Bridge that same year), and remains the 17th longest in the world as of at least 1997. The bridge was also the heaviest in the world when constructed, containing 20,000 tons of steel; this is more steel than used in the Manhattan and Queensboro bridges combined, and four times as much as used in building the Woolworth Building. The roadway clears the East River by 135 feet. The four towers rise 250' above the two islands, and the arch itself reaches a peak of 305' above mean high water.

The girders that connect the top of the arch to the towers were installed purely as a cosmetic decision, changed from the plans of architect Henry Hornbostel by Lindenthal. Lindenthal feared that the original design, with the arch terminating before it reached the towers, would cause the public to feel that the towers were the sole support of the bridge and modified the design to allay those fears.

The bridge is still in use today. The two south tracks are electrified (using overhead catenary) and run Amtrak's Northeast Corridor lines up into Boston. The more southerly of the northern tracks carries freight trains. The final track is used solely for maintenance vehicles; sources differ as to whether the tracks have been removed entirely or are used by service cars and road railers. The bridge was the first four-track railroad bridge ever, and as of this writing, remains so. The bridge was designed to hold up to 90 locomotives (at their weight in 1917) at once, making it still adequate for the electric and diesel trains of today.

The plaque on the bridge still gives its name as the East River Arch Bridge. Some sources claim the official name of the bridge is the New York Connecting (Railroad) Bridge; none specify when the "real" name of the bridge became generally accepted.  Compiled Research with Steve Anderson contributor

Dedication Plaque South Tower 



SAMUEL REA                               HOWARD ELLIOTT

      RAILROAD COMPANY                                      AND HARTFORD RAILROAD COMPANY




557.jpg (103373 bytes)
Construction of viaduct towers approach to bridge view SE Astoria, Queens, NY
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All views NE Randalls-Wards Island to the left, Astoria Park, Queens to the right

The arch had to be constructed simultaneously from both sides with no falsework in between. The Hell Gate itself was still being used for shipping, and its waters were far too treacherous to build any support in the middle. The arches would be supported from behind, anchored in boxes filled with 850 tons of pig iron, until the two halves were joined; this happened in 1915, making it the longest steel arch bridge in the world.
561.jpg (53309 bytes)
Nearing arch completion
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Viaduct towers with 4 track approach to bridge view NW
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350' long truss bridge crossing the Bronx Kills
1 (see map above), was originally planned as a bascule bridge in case the Kills ever became navigable
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Construction of the overhead catenary NYCRR 4 track ROW
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Four reverse-arch bridges of 300' crossing the now-filled Little Hell Gate between Randall's and Ward's Islands


567.jpg (126179 bytes)
Hell gate 4 train main under construction
569.jpg (122085 bytes)
The approach to the Bronx River bridge just north of 132nd Street view SW
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Port Morris, Bronx view SW approaching the Bronx Kills bridge. Hell Gate  bridge left background
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Ward's Island approach to Bronx River View NE

572.jpg (108327 bytes)
Randall Island view NE to Little Hell Gate - Bronx Kills bridge in background
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Ward Island view SW  approach to Little Hell Gate Randall Island
574.jpg (127051 bytes)
Beginning approach to Bronx River bridge and on to Hell Gate view NE
576.jpg (108719 bytes)
Beginning approach to Bronx River bridge and onto Hell Gate view SE
NYW&B-NYNH&H-harlemriveryard-map.jpg (136668 bytes)
Harlem River Terminal
Archive: Dave Keller

577.jpg (159531 bytes)
NYNH&H yard


579.jpg (103260 bytes)
Harlem River Terminal view W

The building at the far right shared NYW&B and NH office building (the NH was the parent company of the NYW&B)

The tracks are the storage tracks of the Harlem River terminal and the NYW&B, until Jan 1. 1938, had its Harlem River station covered platforms on the far side of this building with stairs to the street below. 

The building stood as late as 2004 with NYW&B RR Co lettering still visible on the structure on the far side (street side) according to Robert A. Bang's / Otto Vondrak's 2004 hard cover book on the NYW&B.  Research: Dave Keller
NYW&B-Gen'l-Offices-East133rdStreetStation-HarlemRiverTerminal-1937(ViewWest).jpg (101382 bytes)
NYW&B General Offices East 133rd Street Station Harlem River Terminal 1937 view W Archive: Dave Keller

578.jpg (130003 bytes)
NYNH&H yard View NW


HellGate viewNEWayneKoch05252009.jpg (97538 bytes)
Hell Gate view NE Photo: Wayne Koch 5/25/09

nyhgate1.jpg (106951 bytes)
Hell Gate in winter view NE from Astoria Park 

littlehellgate.jpg (59389 bytes)
 Reverse-arch bridges
2  (see map above) Little Hell Gate view NW Photo: Steve Lynch 6/17/2000

nyhgate2.jpg (40895 bytes)
 Reverse-arch bridge over Little Hell Gate
view W

hellgatenorth2.jpg (34264 bytes)
Base north tower Photo: Steve Lynch 6/17/2000
hellgatesouth.jpg (84455 bytes)
South tower view N  Note: southbound freight on 2 track main with PRR position light signals. Photo: Steve Lynch 6/17/2000

wardsviaduct.jpg (28839 bytes)
Concrete viaduct towers approach from Randall's Island view SE
Bronx Kills Warren Truss bridge
2024  Photo/Archive: Kevin Katta

Hell Gate Bridge view S - NYNH&H electric passenger train inbound to PENN Station, NY - c.1965
Silverman Slide Collection, Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, PHMC
Low Clearance LIRR Bridges

Cherry Valley (Garden City) (10' 4")
Chestnut St (West of CLP) (6’ 11”)
Montauk Highway (Center Moriches) (11’ 6”)
Stephen Hands Path (Wainscott) (10’ 0”)
Cove Hollow Road (East Hampton) (8’ 5”)
Stonytown Road (Plandome) (9’ 0”)
Continental Ave (Forest Hills) (10’ 5”)
Town Line Road (East of  Bridgehampton) (8’ 0”)

Info: Jeff Erlitz 3/2023

Stonytown Rd., Plandome View E 9/11 2023 Photo/Archive: Vincent Lee

Jamaica Turnpike bridge - View E
Creedmoor Branch, Floral Park
Photo/Archive: LI Press c.1980

Carman'sRiverBrookhaven5-18-06NickKudreyko.jpg (71032 bytes)
Carmans River, Brookhaven 5/18/2006
Montauk Branch  Photo: Nick Kudreyko

Carmans-River_east-of-Yaphank_1898_HaroldFullerton.jpg (174775 bytes)
Carmans River - East of Yaphank 1898  Main Line
Photo: Harold Fullerton

Carman's River, Yaphank - View S 4/11/2020
Archive: Mark Kwiatkoski


portjeff_stonybrookRoad_mcenery.jpg (100588 bytes) 
Stony Brook Road, Port Jefferson Photo: McEnery

College-Point-Blvd-bridge_Flushing_ViewN_1939.jpg (54829 bytes)
College Point Blvd, Flushing - View N 1939


TownCocksLaneViewNLocustValley-singletrack-eastLocustTower10-17-2008AlCastelli.jpg (316956 bytes)
Town Cocks Lane looking north through the bridge towards Buckram Rd. single track east of Locust Tower 10/17/2008 Photo: Al Castelli

TownCocksLn-ViewN101708-BridgeUndersideDetailAlCastelli.JPG (3298480 bytes)
Town Cocks Lane View N 10/17/2008 Bridge underside detail Photo: Al Castelli

C3 train at Town Cocks Lane, Locust Valley - View N 1/28/2000 Photo/Archive: Bill Mangahas

Frost Mill Rd., Mill Neck View N
2/2000 Photo/Archive: Bill Mangahas

C420 #225 freshly painted crossing Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, view W, on the Oyster Bay Branch.
3/22/1978 -  Photo/Archive: Paul DeLuca
BuckramRdViewSLocustValley10-17-2008AlCAstelli .jpg (386848 bytes)
Buckram Road looking southwesterly from the other side
of the bridge, east of Locust Tower 10/17/2008 
Photo: Al Castelli

ForgeRiverMastic5-07-06NickKudreyko.jpg (45261 bytes)
Forge River Mastic 5/07/2006 
Photo: Nick Kudreyko

East Shore Rd., Great Neck bridge postcard 1912 Archive: Dave Morrison

East Shore Rd., Great Neck  8/09/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison


Tanners Pond Road_Stewart-Manor_1871-cornerstone_2016_DaveMorrison.jpg (95948 bytes)
Tanners Pond Rd.,  Stewart Manor  1871  cornerstone 2016  Photo: Dave Morrison

Tanners-Pond-Rd_Stewart-Manor_viewS_2016_DaveMorrison.jpg (119072 bytes)
Tanners Pond Rd., Stewart Manor view S 2016  Photo: Dave Morrison

Cherry Valley Avenue_viewN-2016_DaveMorrison.jpg (428560 bytes)
Cherry Valley Ave., Garden City  view N
Photo: Dave Morrison

Cherry-Valley-Ave_east-abutement-1871cornerstone_2016_DaveMorrison.jpg (78365 bytes)
Cherry Valley Ave., Garden City  1871 
 cornerstone 2016  Photo: Dave Morrison

Cranberry Hole Road - Amagansett - 8/22/2013
(Kyril Bromley-The East Hampton Press)

Cranberry Hole Road - Amagansett
View SE 6/2019

Sta-TunnelRd-Hltsvlle-1940.jpg (50162 bytes)
Tunnel Rd Holtsville 1940
Collection: Dave Keller
Same Location

Holtsville_C420-206_train-204_eastbound_NorthOceanAve1969_photoDaveKeller.jpg (53259 bytes)
Holtsville C420 #206 train #204 east N. Ocean Ave 1969 Photo: Dave Keller

goingyourway jetfans photo.jpg (62271 bytes)
"Going Your Way" 
Van Wyck Exp. c.1990

Jamaica-VanWyck-viewS_Montauk-Division-Mainline_2012.jpg (86887 bytes)
Jamaica  view S Montauk Division and Mainline 2012
NewtonRdHamptonBays2-20-07NickKudreyko.jpg (69745 bytes)
Newton Rd Hampton Bays 2/20/2007 
Photo: Nick Kudreyko

ConnetquotRiverOakdaleviewsouthofsunrisehwy.jpg (81983 bytes)
Connetquot River, Oakdale view S of 
Sunrise Hwy Route 27
MillCreek-Hashamomuck-Pond_Southold_2006NickKudreyko.jpg (28333 bytes)
Mill Creek, south end of Hashamomuck Pond,
Southold 2006 Photo: Nick Kudreyko

ButterLnBridgehampton4-22-07NickKudreyko.jpg (78749 bytes)
Butter Lane, Bridgehampton 4/22/2007 
Photo: Nick Kudreyko
rt112andtrestlemedfordview1969keller.jpg (30119 bytes)
Route 112  Medford 1969
Photo: Dave Keller

SJamesportAveJamesport10-14-06NickKudreyko.jpg (96631 bytes)
South Jamesport Ave., Jamesport
10/14/2006  - Photo: Nick Kudreyko

RiverRoad-Yaphank_6-01-06NickKudreyko.jpg (79468 bytes)
Yaphank River Road, Yaphank 06-01-06 
Photo: Nick Kudreyko

Yaphank River Rd., Yaphank - View S 4/11/2020 Archive: Mark Kwiatkoski

Seatuck-Creek_East-Moriches_viewN_DM-400_1-31-2016_EdwardHand.jpg (102576 bytes)
Seatuck Creek,  East Moriches -  View N  
1/31/2016 Photo: Edward Hand

Whitney Lane, Woodbury 1878
Photo: George Brainerd Archive: Queens Public Library

Bridge_Lawrence-St.-Flushing_ViewN_10-29-41.jpg (55838 bytes)
Lawrence St., Flushing - View N 10/29/41

Nicoll Road, Stony Brook - LIONEL vandalism
Summer-1964  "Steel Rails to the Sunrise" Ron Ziel

Sunrise Hwy  NY-27, Massapequa view NE Google maps 2024
scountryrdviewnorthc.1900.jpg (32297 bytes)
South Country Rd, view north c. 1900  
Post-Morrow Foundation Historical Collection

South Country Rd., Brookhaven view N 2019

stalbanscoaltrestle.jpg (80953 bytes)
St. Albans Coal Trestle
c. 2007

Sta-Penny-Bridge-Mtk-Trn-1954.jpg (45496 bytes)
Station Penny Bridge 1954 Archive: Dave Keller

Deer-Park_ave., Deer-Park_viewS_1-11-88_EdwardHand.jpg (111647 bytes)
Deer Park Ave. (Rte. 231),  Deer Park View S 
1/11/1988 Photo:  Edward Hand

 G5s-40-Trn4619-MerillonAve-7-13-47.jpg (58037 bytes)
Merillon Ave 7/13/1947
Photo: George E. Votava Archive: Dave Keller

Roslyn - c. 1905
Archive: Robert Hoffmann

Sta-Xing-Shanty-GreenptAve-Blssvlle-12-70.jpg (51138 bytes)
Greenpoint Ave Blissville 12-70
Photo: Dave Keller

Tower-KN-PitkinAve-ENY-1925.jpg (65664 bytes)
Pitkin Ave,  East New York 1925
Photo: James V. Osborne
Archive: Dave Keller

Tower-MI-MurrayHill-1925.jpg (48849 bytes)
Murray Hill 1925 Photo: James V. Osborne
Archive: Dave Keller  

English-Kills-Bridge_viewS_mitch-waxman.jpg (121441 bytes)
English Kills Bobtail Swing Bridge view S 
Photo: Mitch Waxman

 huntersptnewtowncreekborden.jpg (30965 bytes)
Hunter's Point - Borden Ave at  Newtown Creek
DentonAverobertandersen.jpg (74415 bytes)
Denton Ave 1/2007
Photo: Robert Andersen
sayvillefredmiller.jpg (58786 bytes)
Montauk Hwy, Sayville
Photo: Fred Miller 2007
LIRR-22_1969.jpg (120145 bytes)
LIRR 22 westbound 1969
Photo by Jules P. Krzenski, Archive: Dave Keller
DouglastonDrawbridge1965.jpg (43319 bytes)
Douglaston Drawbridge 1965

DouglastonDrawbridge09-29-2007.jpg (42670 bytes)
Douglaston Drawbridge 09/29/2007

ShinecockCanalbridgemikemcdermet.jpg (45647 bytes)
Shinnecock Canal Bridge guard rails approach 
12/31/07 view west Photo: Mike McDermet
Dutch-Kills-Trestle_7-26-1997_EdwardHand.jpg (113707 bytes)
Dutch Kills Swingbridge  7/26/97  Photo: Edward Hand

dutchkilldrawbridge06-21-07joegregory.jpg (66653 bytes)
Dutch Kills Swingbridge  06/21/07 Photo: Joe Gregory

LICityDutchKillsViewSouthWayneKoch7-19-08.jpg (122730 bytes)
Dutch Kills Lift Bridge "M" Cabin 
View South 07/19/2008  Photo: Mike Kubiak
CarltonAveex-Rte111viewN10-12-01stevelynch.jpg (59434 bytes)
Carlton Ave ex-Rte 111 view N 10-12-01 
Photo: Steve Lynch
MyrtleAveWayneKoch7-19-08.jpg (106233 bytes)
Myrtle Ave.  07/19/08  
Photo: Mike Kubiak
NostrandAveWayneKoch7-1908.jpg (76685 bytes)
Nostrand Ave.  07/19/08  
Photo: Mike Kubiak
MetropolitanAveWayneKoch-19-08.jpg (79554 bytes)
Metropolitan Ave.  07/19/08  
Photo: Mike Kubiak
MP54s_Manhasset-Viaduct_c.1950s_Huneke.jpg (93193 bytes)
MP54s Manhasset Viaduct c.1950's
Archive: Art Huneke
RockawayBeachBranchoverUnionTurnpike-ForestHills12-25-09_MikeKubiak.jpg (67686 bytes)
Rockaway Beach Branch over Union Turnpike Forest Hills 12/25/09 Photo: Mike Kubiak
LowerMontaukBranchoverUnionTurnpike-ForestHill12-25-09_MikeKubiak.jpg.JPG (95077 bytes)
 Lower Montauk Branch over Union Turnpike Forest Hills 12/25/09 Mike Kubiak
Woodbury-WhitneyLaneBridgeViewN04-03-12--AlCastelli.jpg (370426 bytes)
Woodbury Whitney Lane  View N 4/03/12 Photo: Al Castelli

Bread and Cheese Hollow Road, Kings Park 11/03/2021 Photo/Archive: Gregory Grice

Bread and Cheese Hollow Rd., Kings Park 3/05/1983  Photo/Archive: Steve Berry
3-1960townlinerdmcenery.jpg (53043 bytes)
Kings Park, Town Line Rd 3/1960
Archive: R. McEnery

Note: Town Line Road, west of Kings Park Station, becomes Bread and Cheese Road when it crosses Pulaski Rd north of the LIRR.  LIRR crews refer to it as Bread and Cheese Hollow Road.

KingsParkwestofStation-lirr214-1966J.Guthure.jpg (56398 bytes)
Kings Park, Town Line Rd LIRR C420 #214 1966 
Photo: J. Guthure

KingsParkwestofStationlirr113_1955NormanEKohl.jpg (67470 bytes)
Kings Park, Town Line Rd  LIRR 2-8-0 Class H10s #113 1955
Photo: Norman E. Kohl
millcreekob.jpg (68979 bytes)
Mill Race Oyster Bay
Photo: Steven Lynch c. 2000

Mill Creek Bridge - west of town view SE
5/05/2012 - Photo/Archive: Andy Ciavarella

Oyster-Bay_Mill-Race_viewS_3-02-13_AndrewCiavarella.jpg (108308 bytes)
Mill Race view S 3/02/2013
Photo: Andrew Ciavarella

East Hampton, North Main St. - C420 #225 MP15AC #152
View N 2/10/1978 - (Ziel-Queens Public Library)
Beach-Channel-Draw-Bridge_Rockaway-line_viewN_1939_Fagerberg-Huneke.jpg (49674 bytes)
Beach Channel Draw Bridge Rockaway line
view N 1939 - Photo: Harold Fagerberg
Archive: Art Huneke

Malverne, Mill River east of Ocean Ave - 12ft. stone arch  - 6/1978 Archive: Dave Morrison
Dark-Hollow-Road-Bridge_Port-Jefferson_viewN_1-4-88_EdwardHand.jpg (204396 bytes)
Dark Hollow Road, Port Jefferson View N
1/04/1988 Photo: Edward Hand

LIRR MP-54 #4924 eastbound crossing Liberty Ave. bridge, Jamaica
View NE 11/1958 - Archive: James Harris

Archer Ave & Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica
View N from 97th Avenue - 4/02/1929

Merrick Rd. east of Rockville Centre - View NW - 1957
Photo: John Krause  Archive: Dave Keller
FA2-615-ViewE_Train-Trestle-Bread-Cheese-Hollow-Rd_Kings-Park-11-1980.jpg (87856 bytes)
Bread and Cheese Hollow Rd, King Park Trestle
LIRR FA2 #615 eastbound 11/1980 View E
Note: Marker lights on
lirr468_Smithtown-trestle-viewSE_c.1970_Glueck.jpg (79677 bytes)
LIRR #468 Smithtown Trestle view SE c.1970 Photo: R. Glueck
lirr468_Smithtown-trestle-c.1970_Glueck.jpg (97007 bytes)
LIRR #468 Smithtown Trestle c.1970 Photo: R. Glueck
Nissequogue-River-trestle-Smithown_ViewE_c.1950_KPark-Heritage-Museum_DavidFlynn.jpg (82319 bytes)
Nissequogue River Trestle - Rte. 25, Smithtown View E c.1950 k
(Kings Park Heritage Museum - David Flynn)


reynoldschannel.jpg (57950 bytes)
Reynold's Channel
Wreck-Lead-Bridge_9-05-14_JordanTorregrosa.jpg (63093 bytes)

A lead is an old nautical expression for a navigable channel or passage that also found its way into railroading. That portion of Reynold's channel where the bridge is was more complex prior to the dredging operation, with several sand bars and islands in the midst of the channel and the shore of Barnum Island (southern portion of Island Park) farther north than it is today. The wider passage hugged the shore of Barnum Island and that was the original Wreck Lead. Whatever event (shipwreck of some sort) that gave it it's name occurred before then. Approx. where the bridge cabins are now was several smaller bars, the biggest was called Inner Island and the smaller channel was called Inner Lead. Around the turn of the century, they dredged Reynold's Channel to what you see now and just retained the name Wreck Lead for that portion.

Wreck Lead Bridge 9/05/2014 Photo: Jordan Torregrosa

long-beach_Wreck-Lead-Bridge_northend_viewW_train-heading-eastbound-Long_Beach.jpg (55230 bytes) Wreck Lead Bridge northern end - view W - Train heading eastbound (south) to Long Beach

Broad-Channel_1917_WilliamJMadden.jpg (30476 bytes)
Broad Channel 1917 Photo: William J. Madden
forge-river-mastic-viewE_5-1988.jpg (59332 bytes)
Forge River Mastic view E 05/1988

Shinnecock Canal c.1935 Archive: Rick Nydegger

FM #2404 and train westbound under Sheep Pasture Road overpass west of Port Jefferson 1957 (J. P. Krzenski photo, Dave Keller archive)
Shinnecock-Canal-Bridge_1887_LIRRailroader-1953-cover_Morrison.jpg (110251 bytes)
Shinnecock Canal Bridge 1887 LIRR Railroader magazine 1953 cover Archive: Dave Morrison
Trestle-Shinnecock Canal-1915.jpg (43826 bytes)
Shinnecock Canal 1915
Thomas R. Bayles photo, Dave Keller archive
Shinnecock-Canal-bridges_old-new-K4_5-26-1931_viewW_Huneke.jpg (148171 bytes)
Shinnecock Canal bridges old and  new-K4 5/26/1931 view W Archive: Art Huneke
K4 Trestle Replacing Old Trestle-Shinnecock Canal-5-26-31.jpg (69900 bytes)
K4 Trestle replacing old trestle Shinnecock Canal 05/26/1931 View E - LIRR valuation photos, Dave Keller archive
K4 Trestle Replacing Old Trestle-Shinnecock Canal-6-21-31.jpg (61427 bytes)
K4 Trestle replacing old trestle Shinnecock Canal 6/21/1931 LIRR valuation photos, Dave Keller archive

K4s locomotives were first used on the Montauk branch after  installation of the heavier bridge over the Shinnecock Canal.  June/1931 Prior to that, Montauk trains of 12 or more cars were required to be double-headed by 2 - G5s locomotives. Research:  Dave Keller

Shinnecock Canal hoskins 1960s.jpg (73965 bytes)
Shinnecock Canal Steve Hoskins c. 1960s

ShinnecockCanalBridge2-20-07NickKudreyko.jpg (78023 bytes)
Shinnecock Canal 2/20/2007 Photo: Nick Kudreyko

Shinnecock-Trestle_ViewN_1-31-2018_MarcGluckman.jpg (138526 bytes)
The water is the way! In this overhead side view of Shinnecock Canal with MTA LIRR train 8710 (DM30AC 505) on July 16, 2017, one can see across to the Great Peconic Bay. Since the canal opened to marine traffic in 1892, it has grown to facilitating the passage of 27,000 boats per year. Shinnecock Canal LIRR Trestle - View N 1/31/2018 Photo/Archive/Info: Marc Gluckman

LIRR #227 and #620 cross the Shinnecock Canal in Hampton Bays on an
Electric Railroaders' Association (ERA) Special. 4/1984 Photo/Archive: Jay Bendersky
Post Cards of LIRR Bridges
Courtesy of Dave Morrison Collection
Bridges Flushing.jpg (93940 bytes)
Bridges Greenlawn.jpg (89106 bytes)
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Huntington Route 110
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Roslyn with train
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Woodville Rd., Shoreham c.1920
Bridges Smithtown-postmark1906 trestle.jpg (74688 bytes)
Smithtown - Postmark 1906
