RVRR -  Springfield, NJ   

rvspringfield.jpg (27783 bytes)
RVRR Springfield, NJ Station c.1906
SpringfieldStation-snow12-04-05-archive-Jason Clifford.jpg (79643 bytes)
Springfield Station 12/04/2005 
Archive: Jason Clifford
BaltusrolGolfClub1980-PGA_Championship.jpg (82722 bytes)
Baltusrol Golf Club site of  PGA US Open Golf 
June 12-15, 1980 Championship 
otsegolakecar1980UCTCSpecialUSopen06-12-15 .jpg (83562 bytes)
Otsego Lake Observation special car move of United County Trust Company (UCTC) for US Open Golf June 12-15, 1980 at Baltusrol  (Jack Nicholas -8 winner!) 06-12-15  View SW at Mountain Ave.
Springfield, NJ Maps

RV Map 1923 Springfield-Summit.jpg (108523 bytes)
Summit to Springfield 1923

RV Map 1951 Summit-Springfield.jpg (62280 bytes)
Summit to Springfield 1951

USGS topographic map - Roselle,  NJ 24K Quad cropped.  1955 and photo revised in 1981

RVRR  - Springfield, NJ 

Springfield Passenger/Freight Stations on the right (east) of Mountain Ave, Builder's Supply shed and coal trestle on the west side.1921 Archive: Rich Palmatier

RVRR #15, Caboose #102, SLSF boxcar with brakeman on the runaround track as the switch stand is off to the left.
 (See article/map below.) Builders Supplies located behind the station at far left. At far right, cars spotted in
 background on team track with lumber shed beyond. Springfield station view NE 01/06/1951

There were a few runaways on the RVRR. One occurred in the passenger days that came down the grade from Summit and collided into a train sitting in Springfield (probably in the station). A good friend of mine, who grew up in Union in the 60s-70s-80s and hung around the RVRR trestle remembers a runaway boxcar rolling down from Springfield,

VanWinkleCreek_viewSW-RVRR.jpg (56662 bytes)across Van Winkle Bridge, across Meisel Ave., across the Rahway River trestle and they finally got it to a halt before Liberty Ave. He remembers the brakeman - flagman yelling for traffic to stop on Meisel Ave. Luckily there was no incidents. Research:  Richard King

Van Winkle Creek view SW



VanWinkleCreekBridge_Springfield.jpg (160688 bytes)Van Winkle Creek Bridge view S Photo: Craig Kasmin








rvrr springfield circa 1972.jpg (26403 bytes)
Springfield Station view E 1972
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Springfield Freight Station 1978
Photo: Steven Lynch
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Springfield Station, Mountain Ave, view N  1978
Photo: Steven Lynch
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Schaible Oil Co.  view W 1978
Photo: Steven Lynch
Modeling Springfield

"The Model Craftsman" magazine December, 1947 Warren Carter

This is a  LDE (Layout Design Element) for the Springfield Station area. It provides a basis to model an area and incorporate the main features of interest. These can be standalone or connected to other LDEs as space, time and cost dictate. Each shelf element would be approx. 30" deep by 96" in length.


RVRR trestle bridge over the Rahway River 

RVRR trestle bridge over the Rahway River east of Springfield view from Cab 1972

May 2010 cell phone "quick shot" photo: Rich Palmatier


RVRRbridge1.jpg (140845 bytes) RVRRbridge2.jpg (102193 bytes) RVRRbridge3.jpg (86051 bytes)
RVRRbridge4.jpg (136805 bytes) RVRRbridge5.jpg (100338 bytes) RVRRbridge6.jpg (124302 bytes)

Photos October 29, 2006