
Early Mineola Beginnings

MINEOLA: Appears on the timetable of March, 1837 as "Hempstead." this was the stage connection to Hempstead.  The station does not appear on the timetables of 1838. Depot probably opened in July 1839 with opening of the LIRR branch to Hempstead.  Depot named "Branch" as a result; later named "Hempstead Branch."  Last listed as "Hempstead Branch" in timetable of June 6, 1861 and listed as "Mineola" in timetable of June 4, 1862.  Renovated: June/1872. 
2nd Depot built: May-June/1883, razed: 1923  3rd, Relocated depot in service: 9/22/23  Research: Dave Keller

Mineola Dates Timeline

Mineola-Hempstead-1839-1878_railroads-map.jpg (203526 bytes)
 LIRR and CRR Mineola-Hempstead area map 1839-1878 Design: Steven Lynch

1837 track laid from Jamaica to Hicksville
1839 track laid from Mineola to Hempstead
1865 branch opened to Glen Head
1878 wooden bridge constructed over Mineola Blvd
1883 wooden depot building constructed on the south side
1889 date of the map on the Mineola waiting room wall
1890 brick signal tower opened as Tower 45
1890 second track laid from Mineola to Hicksville
1907 Tower 45 was renamed MT Tower
1910 Electric substation No. 8 put into service for Hempstead Branch
1922 MT Tower destroyed by a derailed freight car
1923 April 25th new tower opened as MT Tower
1926 third rail constructed to Mineola Station
1935 last passenger service to Hempstead (then used for freight only)
1938 Sept 18th MT Tower named changed to Nassau Tower
1965 abandoned tracks to Hempstead
1970 third rail extended from Mineola to Huntington
1971 Bill Bellmere photographed track still in Old Country Road roadbed

 Research: Dave Morrison


Special-timetable_Opening-Glen-Cove_branch_1-23-1865_BertSeaman-GordonMAllan.jpg (146879 bytes)
LIRR Special Notice Timetable: Opening of the Glen Cove Branch
1/23/1865 Collection of Bert Seaman and Gordon M. Allan, Glen Cove, NY

In July 1839 the new track to Hempstead was opened from Hempstead Branch, later Mineola, to a terminal on Main Street. The Glen Cove Branch Railroad was incorporated December 3, 1858 and opened to Glen Head January 23, 1865, to Glen Cove May 16, 1867 and to Locust Valley April 19, 1869. 
Info: Art Huneke 

Mineola map with turntable c.1865

At the time of the photo below left (Mineola Junction 1878), the LIRR did not yet operate all the way through to Oyster Bay, but ended its branch at Locust Valley.  The photo was shot in 1879-1880.  The LIRR reached Locust Valley in 1869, yet the depot reads " . . . Glen Cove . . . .Railroad(s)."  When constructing branches, the LIRR would form a new, temporary company for construction purposes only.  Once the construction was complete and the branch placed in service, ownership was transferred to the LIRR.  The railroad opened to Locust Valley in 1869, and the Mineola depot was reportedly renovated in 1872, so the names on the station were obviously painted AFTER the renovation.  Why the Glen Cove Railroad name was still on there at the time of this image is not known, however, as the line was not yet complete, and was to eventually reach Oyster Bay as its eastern-most terminus, the Glen Cove Railroad may still have been on the books as construction wasn't yet officially completed.  However, this doesn't explain the use of the "Hempstead Railroad" name.  Another "history mystery."   Research: Dave Keller  

Mineola Front St./Main - Express House, water tank, pump house.
View NNE with the Main line behind the structures. 1877
Archive: Richard Eikov

Station-Mineola Junction-1879_East (Brainard - Keller).jpg (139179 bytes)
Mineola Junction c. 1879 View East
Photo: George Brainard Archive: Dave Keller

Mineola Junction c. 1879 View East (close-up)
Photo: George Brainard Archive: Dave Keller

Mineola map c.1880 Design/Research: Dave Keller

This loop track allowed:
1. Northbound trains from Hempstead to head EAST along the main line at Mineola via first the loop track, the passing siding, then onto the main.

2. Westbound trains along the main line to head SOUTH to Hempstead at Mineola via the passing siding then the loop track.

1. The single main line track heads east. Branching off from it in the left foreground is the main track of the branch to Locust Valley.

2. Just beyond the center island platform is the secondary track branching off and connecting with the track heading up towards Locust Valley.

3. Beyond that we see the east leg of the wye with the crossing track (just beyond the road crossing) from Hempstead branching off and connecting to the branch to Locust Valley.

4. Beyond the crossing we see at the right, the express house, and then the old water tank with windmill atop to draw the water as needed. Also, across from the express house, you'll see a curved high-level platform to load/offload express/baggage for trains to Locust Valley from both Mineola AS well as Hempstead.

5. At the left, you'll see the passing siding. Branching off the passing siding you will see, across the tracks, where the replacement water tower was eventually built (Emery's 1905 map) you see a solitary cluster of trees with the track off the passing siding looping around to connect southbound to the Hempstead branch connecting track (east leg of the wye).

6. Possibly a wooden crossing warning sign. Back then they were tall and stretched across the roads.

7. Turnout switch stands

8. A short, high-level platform. It may be the express platform for trains navigating the Glen Cove branch to Locust Valley. Note its proximity to the express house at #4 and its height matches that of the platform at #4. It also follows the curve to Locust Valley.  Research: Dave Keller

Station-Mineola-Ground View East-zoom_1880.jpg (98031 bytes)
Mineola Station ground view E 
(close-up) 1879

Station-Mineola-Ground View East-c. 1880.jpg (110791 bytes)
Mineola Station ground view E c.1880

Mineola map 1889 -  Error: Main Line east as Central Extension

To the left of the station is a switch target on a long post, with lantern atop. One red and one green globe. When the switch is thrown for the spur track to Hempstead, the globe will be red for westbound trains, advising them the switch has been set against them and they must stop.

Below the lantern is some sort of rectangular object . .. perhaps a sign. . . and the round object is actually two . .. one on either side of the rectangular sign. They are facing the opposite way, visible only to westbound trains....function unknown.

However, it IS the switch target for the junction track on the west side of the depot heading south towards Hempstead (i.e. the LIRR's original Hempstead branch prior to acquiring A. T. Stewart's road to the same destination.

Therefore, it must be some sort of warning for oncoming (westbound) trains to advise them when the switch was thrown to allow access to the junction eastbound to Hempstead and to the junction westbound from Hempstead.  Archive/Research: Dave Keller

Station-Mineola-c. 1900.JPG (98831 bytes)
Mineola station c. 1900.  Note the passenger train heading south to Hempstead Crossing in Garden City and perhaps on to Hempstead.  
Also note the covered platform has been added to the east side of the depot building and tower #45:1 has been constructed.

Mineola Depot MOW workers clearing the tracks for LIRR #53 4-4-0 , the first train through after the blizzard of January, 1899 Photo: Hal B. Fullerton-Queens Public Library  Restored: Chris Klug

The image also clearly shows the connection from the Oyster Bay branch south to Garden City via the east leg of the Mineola wye. Dave Keller

Emery map - Mineola 1905  Archive: Dave Keller

mineola cutoff.jpg (70994 bytes)
Mineola Station Cutoff to Hempstead Branch c.1885 There is no covered platform on the east side of the depot building and Tower #45:1 does not exist. Info: Dave Keller

Mineola D16b #219 westbound -  "MT" tower . - View E 1909
Photo: Joseph Burt  Archive/Info: Dave Keller

Note: The old brick "MT" tower covered with ivy. The tell-tales are for the "new" (1907) trestle for Mineola Blvd. which replaced the old wooden trestle that's shown in Brainerd's 1880 photo.

Mineola_viewE_1922_Huneke.jpg (128735 bytes)
Mineola station View E - Summer, 1922. Archive: Art Huneke
Note: The covered platform on the east side of the depot has been removed and repositioned closer to the tracks 
to allow for the 1910 construction of the LIRR substation directly behind it. Research: Dave Keller 

1. Notice the old "MT" tower at the left of the substation. It was demolished as a result of a train derailment on 12/31/22.
2. It can't have been photographed any later than the summer of 1922 because of the trees fully leaved and the tower was still standing.
3. You'll notice the segment of third rail installed along the edge of the curved station platform.
4. In 1926, the new third rail was installed along the outer edge (right side) of the curved track.
5. Art Huneke believes the short segment of third rail, visibly in place in 1922, was installed for easy charging of the battery cars when stopped at this end of the run.
6. But, he also indicates: According to Felix Reifschneider part of the route was equipped with third rail in 1922 and the cars were equipped with third rail collection shoes. 


Mineola sequence 1880-1937 View E Archive: Dave Keller

Tower-45_2nd-Mineola_c.1905.jpg (46667 bytes)
Tower #45: 1 c.1905 Brick tower in service 1890, south of mainline east end of wooden station platform; E of Mineola Blvd.  Renamed "MT" 1907 Archive/Info: Dave Keller

MT-Tower-Sub Sta-Bridge_Mineola_viewSE_c.1915.jpg (138561 bytes)
MT Tower and Sub-station bridge Mineola view SE c.1915
mineola-sanbornmap07-1917.jpg (163161 bytes)
Mineola Sanborn map 7/1917
Mineola_MT-Tower_wrecked_c. 12-31-1922+.jpg (137931 bytes)

On December 31, 1922 a freight train derailed in front of the 1890-era brick "MT" tower at Mineola.  The block operator was seated at the chair visible in the upper left-hand corner of the structure.  At that time, there was a second floor back door and wooden connecting bridge between the tower and the 2nd floor of the LIRR's electric sub-station behind it.  You can make out the doorway and part of the wooden handrails just to the right of the operators chair.  The operator ran out the rear tower door and into the LIRR substation, probably saving his life. When the freight car was pulled out of the structure, the tower collapsed.  This image was probably shot the next day after the freight car was removed.  Either a lineman or the block operator has climbed the telegraph pole between the tower and the Mineola depot to keep communications open.  The current tower was built shortly thereafter and placed in service on April 25, 1923, retaining, for the time being, the call letters of "MT." (Joseph Burt photograph) Archive: Art Huneke Info: Dave Keller

Station-Mineola-Rear View - 1966 (Keller).jpg (96867 bytes)
Mineola Station Rear view SW 
1966 Archive: Dave Keller
Station-Mineola-Front View- 1966 (Keller).jpg (129886 bytes)
Mineola Station trackside view N 1966 Archive: Dave Keller
Station-Mineola-Trackside-7-6-63 (Votava).jpg (90402 bytes)
Mineola Station view NE 7/06/1963
Photo: George Votava, Archive: Dave Keller
Mineola-Station-newly-constructed_ViewW_9-1923.jpg (67183 bytes)
Mineola Station newly constructed in service View W
View SW (below)  - 9/22/1923 Archive: MTA

1st MU Train from Valley Stream via W. Hemp and Hemp Branches at Mineola-10-1926 (Keller).jpg (70053 bytes)
1st MU Train from Valley Stream via West Hempstead and Hempstead
Branches at Mineola 10/1926  Archive: Dave Keller

G5s-48-East-at-Signal-LI-Motor-Pky-Bridge-Mineola-c.1940.jpg (79893 bytes)
LIRR G5s #48 EB at Signal LI Motor Pkwy Bridge Mineola c.1940
 Photo: Art Huneke Archive: Dave Keller

Mineola View NW c.1925 Archive: Dave Morrison

Mineola_ViewE_9-16-31_DaveMorrison.jpg (93129 bytes)
Mineola View E 9/16/1931 Archive: Dave Morrison

NASSAU Tower & Substation 8 - View E from Overpass  
 2/12/1937 (Lichtenstern-Keller)

 Mineola_viewE_12-1-45_Weber.jpg (333256 bytes)
Mineola Station View E 12/01/1945  Photo: Fred Weber

Mineola Station c.1925 Archive: Richard Eikov

H8sb Extra #693 plowing snow past  “Nassau" 12/1948 
(elevated view from overpass)
Photo: Ed Hermann Collection: Dave Keller

G5s-43-Train-4223-Snow-Mineola-12-28-48.jpg (93875 bytes)
G5s #43 Train #4223 westbound at Mineola 12/28/1948 
Archive: Dave Keller

lirr108-H10s-2-8-0_westbound-Greenport-freight-L-63_Willis-Ave-passing-old-ice-house_automatic-speed-control-cut-out-sign_mid1955_ArtHuneke.jpg (94040 bytes)
LIRR #108 H10s (2-8-0) on westbound Greenport Freight L-63 approaching NASSAU Tower, Mineola crossing Willis Avenue, passing old Knickerbocker Ice House and  automatic speed control cutout sign, mid-1955  Photo/Archive: Art Huneke

Mineola Station - WW II draftees boarding 1942 train
Archive: Old Bethpage Village Historical Society
 G5s-22-Train-EB at Station-Mineola - 04-16-50 (Hermanns-Keller).jpg (94604 bytes)
G5s #22 eastbound at Mineola 4/16/1950 (Hermanns-Keller)

MU Train-EB at Sta-Mineola-1954 (Edwards-Keller).jpg (74685 bytes)
MU train eastbound at Mineola 1954 (Edwards-Keller)

lirrCP-20-5-2006Mineola05031953JimGillin.jpg (72087 bytes)
LIRR CP-20-5 #2006 westbound at Mineola 5/03/1953
Photo:  Jim Gillin

LIRR #21 G5s 4-6-0  eastbound at Mineola 1955

Emery-Mineola1921page12.jpg (760047 bytes)
Emery Mineola 1921 page 12
Archive: SUNY Stony Brook

Emery -Mineola1921page13.jpg (502128 bytes)
Emery Mineola 1921 page 13
Archive: SUNY Stony Brook

Key-Emery-SUNY-Mineola-Maps12-13.jpg (266713 bytes)
Key to Emery maps Mineola 1921 
page 12-13 Info: Dave Keller

Emery-Mineola1928page19.jpg (258230 bytes)
Emery Mineola 1928 page 19
Archive: SUNY Stony Brook

lirr1559_Mineola_viewW_c.Spring63_(Krause -Everhart).jpg (86488 bytes)
LIRR #1559 Mineola view W 
c. Spring '63 (Krause -Everhart)

Emery 1943 - Archive: Dave Keller

Emery MP18-MP19  5/1958 - Archive: Dave Keller

Wilson & Co. - RS1 #465 - View N c.1950 
Archive: Mineola Historical Society

Mineola view S c.1950 Photo/Archive: Art Huneke

Circa 1950, Mineola looking south from Third Street toward Old Country Road crossing protected by a wooden diamond crossing sign. In the distance is the Garden City - Mineola Freight House.

Emery-Mineola10151969page24.jpg (329118 bytes)
Emery Roslyn Ave., Mineola 1928 page 24
Archive: SUNY Stony Brook

 Eastbound entering Oyster Bay Branch 1950
Photo: (J.P. Sommer - Dave Keller)

Mineola view S - 5/1969 Photo/Archive: John Schaub

Passing Nassau Tower 1950 view west
Photo: J.P. Sommer  Archive: Dave Keller

C420-211-Train WB past NASSAU tower-Mineola, NY (View E) - 04-20-69 (Smith-Keller).jpg (164212 bytes)
C420 #211 westbound NASSAU Tower - Mineola View E 
4/20/1969  (Smith-Keller)
C420-211-Train WB past NASSAU tower-Mineola, NY (View E) - 04-20-69 (Smith-Keller) (Zoom).jpg (136681 bytes)

Mineola, Willis Ave.  view W 1946 Archive: MTA

Swift-and-Company_Roslyn-Rd_Mineola-Historical-Society.jpeg (75981 bytes)
Swift & Co. Roslyn Rd., Mineola at MP19 location map above.
Archive: Mineola Historical Society

  In addition to meatpacking, Swift sold various dairy and grocery items, including Swiftning shortening, Allsweet margarine, Silverleaf lard, Brookfield butter, cheese under the Brookfield, Pauly, and Treasure Cave brands, and Peter Pan peanut butter. Swift began selling frozen turkeys under the Butterball brand in 1954. Gustavus Swift also championed the refrigerated railroad car. Info: Wikipedia

Swift's_Silverleaf_Brand_Pure_Lard,_1916.jpg (155195 bytes)
Swift's Silverleaf Brand Pure Lard ad: 1916
Swift_ad_Meat_then_and_now.jpg (134029 bytes)
Swift ad: "Meat - then and now"

Emery MP19-MP20  Mineola - East Williston  5/1958

"The Hole" A large switching complex just north of Jericho Turnpike, Mineola. Customers included Mineola Paper, Albertson Lumber, Local Steel, Mineola Plumbing, Latham Brothers Lumber, Windsor Coal, Pittsburgh Glass, an Iron Works Company, a candy company and another paper company (Charles F. Hubbs) at the end.  Archive: Dave Keller

MINEOLA "HOLE" 1958 Emery Map Legend

West Side:
Nassau Farmers Corp Farm Supply Warehouse, Texas Oil Co.

East Side:
1. NABISCO Warehouse, Cloyd Davis Contractor Warehouse, Mineola Coal
2. Level before 1936
3. Steel & Supply Co.
4. Albertson Lumber
5. Mineola Paper
6. Mineola Plumbing
7. Pittsburgh Plate Glass
8. Windsor Fuel Co.
9. Kurtz Iron Works
10. Kurtz Iron Works traveling crane
11. Site of ex-freight platform, Out 1952
12. Latham Lumber Yard (track in building)

Latham Brothers Lumber yard, Mineola c.1968
Photo/Archive: George Forero

LIRR S1 #416 crossing Sagamore Ave., Mineola
c.1968 - Photo/Archive: George Forero

Emery_Mineola_MP19-20_5-1958.jpg (234111 bytes)
Emery MP19-MP20 Main Line 5/1958
Archive: Dave Keller

LIRR Map #48 - 1966

Trestle-LIMP_east-MP19_viewE_03-19-78_Madden-Keller.jpg (179316 bytes)
Long Island Motor Parkway trestle over the Main Line east of MP19 
View E  3/19/78 (Madden-Keller)

The Motor Parkway trestle crossing the Main Line was truncated 
on either side, so it looked like a pedestrian crossover prior to 
demolition in 1983. One of the two last remaining; the other at
East Williston/Albertson on the Oyster Bay Branch. Info: Dave Keller

C420 #228 is entering the Oyster Bay branch at Mineola with an eastbound train. The old wooden section shanty is visible directly behind the stanchion for the crossing lights. This 1975 view, looking northeast, was taken from "NASSAU" tower. (Dave Keller archive)


RS3 #1560 has branched off the Main Line at the junction of the Oyster Bay branch and heads eastbound along the line with an early morning passenger train in 1965.  The section house is to the left of the train and the LIRR electric sub-station and part of "NASSAU" tower are visible in the center background. Note the specific-named reefer spotted at the Wilson & Co. siding at the far right. LIRR 1966 freight map location #4 (above). View SW (Dave Keller archive)
Tower-Nassau-MineolaJct-1966-1.jpg (52999 bytes)  
1966 view east with Garden City branch off to right   Photos: Dave Keller 
Spur and switch from the main were completely gone by October, 1973

LIRR #615 - Train- #4551 exits the Oyster Bay Branch  8/1986
Photo/Archive: Jay Bendersky

P4857 Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1960's

P-GT2 Turbine
 Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1960's

Alco 601 Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1970's

MPI5AC Engine 165
Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1970's

Alco C420 #204
Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1970's

MPI5AC Engine 154
Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1970's
Tower-Nassau-Interlocking Rods-Baldwin Loco-Frt-on-Hempstead Spur-Mineola-3-20-54 (Keller).jpg (133717 bytes)
Baldwin with freight on the Hempstead Spur 03/20/54 Archive: Dave Keller
Tower-NASSAU-Sub-Station-Mineola-View SW - 1969 (Keller).jpg (165319 bytes)
Nassau tower - Substation 8
View SW 1969
Archive: Dave Keller
Tower-NASSAU-View SE-Mineola  - 1966 (Keller).jpg (161232 bytes)
Nassau tower view SE 1966  Note the stairs and a handrail in the door opening. Archive: Dave Keller
L217-Mineola.jpg (46344 bytes)
LIRR #217 Train L217 eastbound passing NASSAU Tower ,
Mineola c. 1960's  Photo: Steve Hoskins Archive: Steve Lynch

G5s #38 eastbound train entering the Oyster Bay Branch  at
NASSAU Tower, Mineola  - 1951 (Hermanns-Keller)

LIRR #465 eastbound entering the Oyster Bay Branch  at
NASSAU Tower, Mineola 1968  Photo/Archive: James Mardiguian
nassau cannonball 69-70.jpg (53045 bytes)
Nassau Tower Cannonball c. 1969
Photo: Richard Glueck

nassau 2.jpg (33201 bytes)
Alco FA-2 601  1971
Photo: Richard Glueck

lirr616_mineola.jpg (185361 bytes)
LIRR Alco  FA # 616 at Nassau /06/16/92 Train 4555
Photo: Kevin Gulau from top of the municipal parking garage


LIRR #200 as delivered (note: fuel tanks) at Mineola eastbound passing under Mineola Blvd. - 1963 Photo: Robert B. Dunnet Archive: John Scala

LIRR #1553 C420 at Mineola 1/1971 Photo/Archive: Brad Phillips


nyar271_10-21-08.JPG (128572 bytes)
Mineola View E. 10/21/2008 Photo: Mark Edelman

lirr165-Mineola.jpg (166013 bytes)
LIRR  MP15-AC #165 at Nassau 02/26/84 Train 4553 
Photo: Kevin Gulau from the Mineola Blvd. overpass

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LIRR #618  07/11/1983
Photo: Robert Streich  Archive: R. McEnery
lirr2703mineolaMarkEdelman.jpg (69675 bytes)
The engineer on LIRR 2703 dumps 30 pounds of pressure onto the pads to  make his usual high speed stop. Brake dust is seen shooting in a cloud higher then the locomotive. c.2007 Photo: Mark Edelman
lirr171Nassau10-08-08.jpg (66439 bytes)
LIRR # 171 approaching Nassau Tower from Oyster Bay Branch 10/08/2008
Photo: Mark Edelman

Mineola Station waiting room view NE 7/21/2020
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Mineola Station sign 4/03/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Mineola Station waiting room view S 4/03/2021
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Mineola Station - View E 4/03/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Mineola Station - View W 4/03/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison
Mineola_ViewE_close-up_9-16-31_DaveMorrison.jpg (78478 bytes)
Mineola  View E close-up 9/16/1931 Archive: Dave Morrison
Section Shanty-Planked Main St. Xing-Mineola - 1952 (J. P. Sommer).jpg (131300 bytes)
Section Shanty planked Main St. crossing 1952 
(J. P. Sommer) Archive: Dave Keller
Section Shanty-Mineola-View South - 1966 (Keller).jpg (130670 bytes)
Section Shanty view S 1966 Archive: Dave Keller
Section Shanty-Mineola-View East - 1969 (Keller).jpg (156836 bytes)
Section Shanty view E 1969 Archive: Dave Keller
Section Shanty- Mineola-View NE - 1969 (Keller).jpg (154336 bytes)
Section Shanty view NE 1969 Archive: Dave Keller
Mineola-track-section-house_DaveMorrison.jpg (129325 bytes)
Mineola track section house c.1980's Mineola Historical Society

Mineola -  shanty rear view W  c.1980
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Approaching Nassau Tower from Oyster Bay Branch Cab of F7 #621 05/14/1988  Photo: John Fusto 
mineolaShed9-9-06viewNW-JohnMcCluskey.jpg (112241 bytes)
Section Shanty 09/09/2006 view NW
Photos: John McCluskey
mineolaShed3-25-08viewSE-JohnMcCluskey.jpg (184788 bytes)
Section Shanty 03/25/2008 view SE 
Mineola-accident_1-16-1990_Newsday-page19_DaveMorrison.jpg (152779 bytes)
Mineola accident 1/16/1999 Newsday: Article page 19 (photo right) Archive: Dave Morrison


Mineola-accident_1-16-1990_Newsday_DaveMorrison.jpg (189342 bytes)

There was a track circuit problem on Track 1 during the AM rush causing the trains to move slowly and bunch up together to the point that the crossing gates remained down; before the crossings could be protected. Train #2015, last stop Bethpage, came up Track 2 at MAS and struck the automobile whose driver had lost patience and operated around the downed gates. The accident happened at Willis Avenue and the car was dragged along by the train causing the engine block to be propelled into the building. The train stopped in Mineola station.

The building was a MOW section house used to store material and shelter employees between assignments. My recollection, which may not be correct, is that the building was damaged by the fire, but remained in service. I specifically recall that Ed Wheeler was the Section D train dispatcher and Marian Carbone was the operator at Nassau. Bob Alley, Jr., now retired, was the engineer. Bill Jeffries responded to the scene. 
Account compliments of: Ray Kenny

M7 #7091 Train 7561 Consist: 7091-7092+7473-7474+7073-7074+7803-7804
 2nd St., Mineola View E 7/25/2021 Photo/Archive: Jeff Erlitz
Mineola_viewNW_location-old-section-6-26-17_house_Morrison.jpg (102825 bytes)
Mineola view NW location old section house 6/26/2017 
Archive: Dave Morrison
Mineola_Willis-Ave_viewW_6-26-17_Google.jpg (92358 bytes)
Mineola - Willis Ave View W 6/26/2017

  THEN and NOW  

Mineola  - Main Street  view E - January to October 2021

Mineola - Main Street view N - July 2020 to October 2021

Mineola  - View E from garage roof - March to October 2021
Mineola  - View N from garage roof  - November 2020 to October 2021


Photos/Archive:  Dave Morrison


Mineola's New Railroad Station
LIRR Information Bulletin -  Vol. II No.7 12/03/1923
Archive: Dave Morrison


Mineola Station 100th Anniversary -  View N 9/22/2023

Mineola Station 100th Anniversary -  View NE 9/22/2023

Mineola Station 100th Anniversary -  View W 9/22/2023

Mineola Station 100th Anniversary

Photos:  9/22/2023  MTA/LIRR

Mineola Station 100th Anniversary - NY State Senator  Jack M. Martins

"Mineola is my hometown and I grew up at this station. And as America's first suburb, Long Island grew up around this station too. It was convenient and affordable and it made it possible for people to live here. Today the challenge is the same: keep the LIRR convenient and affordable"

Jamie Torres-Springer MTA Construction & Development President (black shirt), Anthony Tufano VP in charge of Third Track Project, Mineola Mayor Paul Pereira, LIRR President Cathy Rinaldi, NY State Senator Jack M. Martins

Mineola Station 100th statue
9/22/2023 Photo: MTA/LIRR

Mineola Station Rededication - Railpace Magazine December 2023

OBRM Display: Dave Morrison, Doug Kassner, Jim Corroon
Mineola Station 100th Anniversary 9/22/2023

Mineola Station 100th Anniversary waiting room
9/22/2023 Photo: MTA/LIRR

Nassau Tower
All May 17, 1979  Photos/Archive: Steve Rothaug, except as noted

NASSAU Tower - View E 1950 Archive: Tom Brah


NASSAU Interlocking blueprint 8/06/1941 Archive: Stephen McEvoy

nassau-interlocking_12-01-57revised_sheet36_Huneke.jpg (159718 bytes)
Nassau Interlocking blueprint 12/01/57 
revised Sheet 36 Archive: Art Huneke

Nassau-Tower_Operator-RaymondBHubbs_1930_Mineola-Historical-Society.jpg (104919 bytes)
NASSAU Tower Operator Raymond B. Hubbs - 1930 Mineola Historical Society

LIRR RS3 #1556 eastbound at NASSAU Tower -  1956  Archive: Brian Cudahy
The open baggage door on the combine suggests this train was delivering early afternoon
 newspapers to online communities. Brian Cudahy

LIRR #227 westbound from Oyster Bay at NASSAU Tower 1/1971 Photo/Archive: Brad Phillips

LIRR #224 Extra freight westbound at NASSAU Tower 7/1982 Photo/Archive: Jay Bendersky

NASSAU Tower 04/12/2001 Photo: Brian Weinberg

NASSAU Tower - Interior sign north wall
8/11/2020 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

NASSAU Tower NE side of tower 5/17/1979

NASSAU Tower 3/1993 Photo/Archive: John Ciesla

NASSAU Tower - View W 2001 Photo/Archive: Lamont Ward

DM30ac #518 train eastbound entering the Oyster Bay Branch at
NASSAU Tower 10/01/2005 - Al Tillotson photo, Dave Keller archive.

NASSAU Tower hooping orders 2015 Photo/Archive: Karim Odr

NASSAU Tower  View E  11/16/1992
Photo/Archive: Bill Mangahas

NASSAU Tower - Aerial view E  7/1989
Photo/Archive: Bill Mangahas

NASSAU Tower - View E 5/28/2020 Photo/Archive: Benjamin Lederer

Nassau Tower damage from Substation 8 north wall raze 3/09/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

NASSAU Tower - View NE 3/09/2021 Photo/Archive: Jeff Erlitz

NASSAU Tower  Raze  - 9/18/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison



.NASSAU - 2  Position Light Signal 1E all that remains of  NASSAU Tower

National Park Service Historic American Building Survey (HABS) - NASSAU Tower

HABS Nassau Tower Building Survey

HABS Nassau Tower Building Drawings

The LIRR Today: July 7, 2020
The days of NASSAU Tower, which stands just east of Mineola station in the path of the new third track being installed as part of the Main Line Grade Crossing Elimination Project, are numbered.  Reports indicate that the block operator at NASSAU will be relocated out of the tower as soon as this Saturday morning at the start of this weekend's 48-hour outage for the installation of the new New Hyde Park Road overpass.  The block operator would be relocated to the Jamaica Control Center building, south of the tracks in Jamaica.  Train 665, the 11:22p train from Port Jefferson, is scheduled to be the last train to pass the tower just after midnight on Saturday morning.  Demolition would take place at some point this year or early next year.  NASSAU Tower would be the second tower to close this year as part of the railroad's effort to advance Centralized Train Control (CTC).  QUEENS Tower closed back in January, and after this weekend, there will be just five towers remaining in operation on the LIRR.

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Eastbound train, GP-38-2  #273
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nassautower-switchmechanism05171979SteveRothaug.jpg (73678 bytes)
Turnout Mechanism
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Interlocking rods
nassautower-interlockingrods05171979SteveRothaug.jpg (57953 bytes)
Interlocking rods view west


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Nassau-Tower-turnout-Levers_5-14-79_SteveRothaug.jpg (118350 bytes)

All of the Mineola pics were taken on May 17, 1979 about 12:00pm, give or take 1/2 hour. The levers are on the north side of the second floor, facing the tracks. The track board is towards the left side of the wall and the shot of the tower operator is facing eastward. The track board and other devices on the north wall explain the lack of windows there. Only a few levers were in use when I was there. Some others may have been for sidings that no longer existed and some for the wye that came up from West Hempstead via Garden City. The Block Operator (Perhaps someone from the LIRR knows his name) would align the switches for an approaching train, count the cars as it went by and call the next Tower Operator with the time and car count.

He let me throw one of the levers. I had to squeeze the locking handle near the top then push the lever to move the switch points. It took a lot of effort to start the lever moving, but once it started to move, went easily. The levers are connected to the the linkage at the base of the tower and controlled the switch points. There was additional equipment on the first floor that probably controlled the signaling.                                                                                                  Nassau Tower  5/17/1979 Photos: Steve Rothaug


NASSAU Interlocking control panel

NASSAU control panel

NASSAU control panel


NASSAU control panel

NASSAU-Tower - window view N
The auxiliary (or, maintainer’s) control panel in the hut. This panel mimics the one up in Nassau Tower (now out of service), which looks the same, except that one is curved.

The area outlined in red tape is Nassau 1 Interlocking (see above), which is now out of service. The line on the upper part of the panel is the Oyster Bay Branch, in its entirety. The parts of the Oyster Bay Branch marked with white tape were, apparently, never placed in service.

The panel up in Nassau Tower came out of service on 5/8/2020 and was replaced with an “office control system” (possibly Alstom’s PTM?) on that date. That was short-lived, being used only to 7/11/2020 when control was transferred to Jamaica Central Control. 3/12/2021
Info/Photo/Archive: Jeff Erlitz


NASSAU Tower interior
Brian Doohan

NASSAU control interior - View NE

NASSAU Tower - window view W

NASSAU Tower - window view E

Anthony Tufano, Steve Quigley, Leslie Mesnick and Brian Doohan outside Substation #8 south wall.

Substation 8 demolition - View N 3/08/2021

Substation 8 demolition - View NW 3/08/2021

Substation 8 spiral staircase - View NE

Substation 8 demolition - View NE 3/08/2021

Substation 8 knife switches

 Substation 8 - North face 8/11/20
Note: ex-MT Tower bridge doorway to substation bricked over.

Substation 8 brick 3/08/2021 Photo/Archive: Ed Frye

Substation 8 interior view NW

Substaion 8 north door sign 8/11/2020

Substation 8 interior west wall 3/08/2021 Photo/Archive: Ed Frye

Substation 8 interior east wall 3/08/2021 Photo/Archive: Ed Frye

Substation 8 View SE 3/09/2021
Photo/Archive: John Ciesla

Substation 8 north wall raze View SE 3/09/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

NASSAU Tower - Substation north wall raze 3/09/2021 Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison
Substation Demolition NEWSDAY 3/10/2021

Substation 8 "Transformer Farm" removal 4/23/2021 Photo/Archive: Ed Frye

Last week, October 26th, 2021,while walking through the neighborhood, I noticed this vintage "stuff" was finally dismantled, for the purpose of removing it from the site...the transformers have been "herded" off to one side, while the cast-iron trellises -- with all their electrical "contraptions" (including classic ceramic insulators "prized" by some collectors of industrial artifacts) -- were piled in an area nearest the tracks.  Photos/Archive: Ed Frye


National Park Service Historic American Building Survey (HABS) - Substation 8

HABS Mineola Substation 8 Building Survey

HABS Mineola Substation 8 Drawings
  Photos/Archive 7/21/2020 Dave Morrison  

Hempstead Branch  

Timetable Main Line-Hempstead Branch 10/21/1913 Archive: Steve Melrose
















1873-map_CRR-Garden-City_LIRR-Hempstead-Branch_Huneke.jpg (14228 bytes)
Central Railroad 1873 map -  Garden City crossing with LIRR Hempstead Branch Archive: Art Huneke
1873:  The LIRR's branch ran north-south and the Central Railroad's branch made the curve.
1878-post-acquisition-CRR-by-LIRR_Garden-City_Huneke.jpg (15618 bytes)
LIRR 1878 post-acquisition of CRR map -  Hempstead Crossing Archive: Art Huneke
1878:  After acquisition of the CRR of LI by the LIRR:  The LIRR tracks and terminal building at Hempstead 
were removed and the LIRR used the former CRR tracks and facilities
Hempstead-Crossing-map_1892_Huneke.jpg (14550 bytes)
1892 map - Hempstead Crossing Archive: Art Huneke
1893_construction-NY-Bay-Extension (W. Hempstead branch) from Valley Stream to Hempstead Crossing_Huneke.jpg (117346 bytes)
1893 map - Construction of NY Bay -Extension (West Hempstead Branch) 
from Valley Stream to Hempstead Crossing Archive: Art Huneke
Garden-City_Hempstead-Branch_5-1878_JeffErlitz.jpg (157145 bytes)
Garden City  - Hempstead Branch 1878-1893 Archive: Jeff Erlitz
Map of Garden City showing original alignment of Hempstead Branch (running north-south)
 from Garden City into Hempstead; built: 1839, abandoned: 1876.  The Central Extension runs east-west. Info: Robert Emery Notes

Mineola_old-Country-Rd-LIRR_ ViewNW_c.1930_LuisAzarraga-KenLemp.jpg (132188 bytes)
Mineola aerial - Old Country Rd.  LIRR crossing View NW c.1930
1. Mineola Station - Main Line  2.  Old Country Rd.  3. Crossing Shanty - Protective Gates 
4. Mineola Blvd. (Luis Azarraga-Ken Lemp)

Hempstead Crossing_1873-1909_George-Chiasson-Jr.jpg (622562 bytes)
Hempstead Crossing evolution 1873-1909 
Research/Design: George Chiasson Jr. 

blueprint_Hempstead-Crossing-1907.jpg (71121 bytes)
Blueprint Hempstead Crossing -  HC Tower 1907  Sheet 25
Archive: Art Huneke 



Blueprint - Garden Interlocking - 12/01/1954  Sheet 56  - Archive: Jeff Erlitz
blueprint_Garden-Block-Station_12-01-59.jpg (480052 bytes)
Blueprint - Garden Tower Interlocking - 12/01/1959  Sheet 56 - Archive: Jeff Erlitz

Blueprint - Garden Tower Interlocking - 12/01/1960  Sheet 20 - Archive: Jeff Erlitz

Blueprint - Garden Tower Interlocking - 12/01/1966  Sheet 20 - Archive: Jeff Erlitz

Blueprint - Garden Tower Interlocking - 6/01/1976  Sheet 41 - Archive: Jeff Erlitz

Blueprint - Garden Tower Interlocking - 1/30/1987  Sheet 41 - Archive: Jeff Erlitz

Emery-Map-Mineola-Hempstead-2until1926.jpg (296797 bytes)
Emery map until 1926 Mineola south 
Hempstead Branch MP19 to Garden City

    EmeryMineolaHempsteadMP18-MP19-1943.jpg (147424 bytes)   
Emery map 1943 MP18-MP19 Mineola

Emery-Map-Mineola-Hempstead-3after1926.jpg (109079 bytes)
Emery map after 1926  Mineola south Hempstead Branch MP19 to Garden City


 Emery-Map-Mineola-Hempstead-4.jpg (478674 bytes)
Emery map 1959 Hempstead Branch to Garden City MP20 north/south.
 Central Extension (Branch) MP18-MP19 west/east

Location #16 (left) is referred to as Hempstead Crossing. Hempstead Crossing and "HC" tower (later "GARDEN" tower) was on the Central branch a block or two east of Garden City and a short walking distance north of Country Life Press.

It was called Hempstead Crossing because it originally was the LIRR's "crossing" of the CRR of LI's tracks which headed east to Meadowbrook and Bethpage Junction. The CRR of LIRR's tracks to Hempstead curved south as they do similarly today at Country Life Press and paralleled the LIRR's route to Hempstead.  I believe their terminal buildings were a block or two apart from each other

When the LIRR acquired the CRR they kept the Central's facilities as they were newer and built of brick and were in much better shape.  They tore up their original 1830s-40s facilities and moved into the Stewart's.

Hempstead Crossing remained in use as there was through train service between Mineola and West Hempstead and on to Valley Stream, as the West Hempstead branch curved off just south of the CLP depot until sometime in the 1960s.  

Years later the tower was renamed "GARDEN" but the crossing was still referred to as Hempstead Crossing. The through trains ended in the 1930s and, eventually, by 1939, the LIRR tore the crossing out, demolished the tower and GARDEN cabin opened up at Franklin Ave. where it remained until a few years ago. Research: Dave Keller


Garden City at Franklin Ave. view E.jpg (59909 bytes)
Garden City at Franklin Ave. view E

Country Life Press was a station stop opened in Garden City for the employees of the magazine by that name.  It was a Doubleday publication.  The station was located east of the Garden City station and east of Franklin Ave. and was the very next stop on the run to Hempstead.  As soon as you crossed over Franklin Ave., the tracks curved to the right (south) and CLP station was there on your left.  Not only was it a station stop on the Hempstead Branch, but it was also a station stop and terminus for the Mitchel Field shuttle along the Central branch.  

Here’s Garden City at Franklin Ave. looking east.  The Central branch goes straight, the 1st track to the left is the northwest leg of the wye to Mineola, the 2nd track to the left enters the temporary sub station building and the track to the right is the same as today;  heading to Hempstead with next stop:  CLP!  The shanty in the center is the crossing watchman’s. 

The cabin at Franklin Ave. was “B” cabin and not only was it for the crossing watchman to protect the crossing, he also operated a dwarf signal and derails for the trolley line that crossed the tracks.

When the trolley line was discontinued along Franklin Ave., and when “HC” tower (later “GARDEN” tower) was closed and “GARDEN” cabin opened in  January, 1939 at Franklin Ave., there was no longer any need for the old “B” cabin as the crossing was NOW protected by “GARDEN” cabin.

Switches and signals were handled by “HC” tower at Hempstead Crossing.  Tower is visible in the center background and beyond it, with pointed, octagonal roof, is the old brick Stewart-era water tower at the crossing of the LIRR’s tracks and the CRR of LI’s tracks. Info: Dave Keller

Garden Cabin at Franklin Ave. view E.jpg (53919 bytes)
When the tower was removed in 1939 along with Hempstead Crossing, this cabin was opened west of the former location at Franklin Ave., to handle the signals.  I understand it no longer exists.  Info: Dave Keller

Hempstead Branch - Bellerose to Stewart Manor Track profile map 1994

Hempstead Branch - Nassau Blvd. to Hempstead Track profile map 1994


Country-Life-Station_8-1967_Sturm-Fehn.jpg (116740 bytes)
Country Life Station 8/1967 (Sturm-Fehn)
CountryLifePress view N.jpg (61029 bytes)
CLP station (at the right: shelter shed in distance) looking north from track level.  The Mitchel Field shuttle is laying up in the center and a Hempstead-bound train is approaching at the left.  You see the switch points aligned for the Hempstead branch in the bottom of the photo; straight went on to West Hempstead. Archive: Art Huneke

In the foreground can be seen the switch set for the Hempstead branch.  When the points are set the other way, it would be set for the W. Hempstead branch. You can see the linkage connected to the switch meaning it was NOT hand thrown.  The two MP41 cars laying up at the right on the former crossing track from Mineola is the Mitchel Field shuttle.  It's stopped at the platform to pick up any passengers that will be let off on the southbound Hempstead train, and will then proceed on the southeast leg of the wye in the direction of Mitchel Field via the Central branch.  

CountryLifePress1953.jpg (94194 bytes)
Country Life Press - The  Mitchel Field shuttle departing the station 1953 View N Photo: Jim Gillin

CountryLifePress view S.jpg (46301 bytes)
Looking south towards Hempstead from the CLP station, we see the tracks to Hempstead to the left and the tracks to West Hempstead and on to Valley Stream to the right.  These are the switch points that are aligned in the prior photo for Hempstead branch trains.  Archive: Art Huneke

The extra rails between the main rails and the pipe rail fence at the right indicate a bridge with the road crossing underneath this area.  Those rails between the main rails are to keep derailed trains from careening off the bridge. You can just make out the concrete bridge abutment at the far right behind the pipe rails.  

Country-Life_Press-razed-ROW_12-1964_BradPhillips.jpg (85702 bytes)
Country Life Press razed ROW view towards West Hempstead
12/21/1964 - Photo/Archive: Brad Phillips

Country Life Press station - Mitchel Field shuttle - View N  5/15/1953 Archive: Jeff Erlitz

MU Double-decker train at Country Life Press 1948 Photo: Gerald Landau
Note: For track continuation from County Line Press (CLP) Station to West Hempstead Branch CLICK HERE

HEMPSTEAD:   C.R.R. depot built: Oct-Dec/1872 at Fulton Avenue and became LIRR’s Hempstead Station and terminus in 1878. Remodeled: 7/1881. Razed: 1913.
2nd Depot opened: 2/1913. Temporar
y station in service: 1,265’ west of former location: 12/30/1941 while tracks were cut back to Columbia Street.
2nd Depot moved to Columbia Street. Completion of track work and placed in service: by 6/17/1943 (photo provenance with official valuation photo and date).
Gutted by fire: 12/31/1962 and remodeled.  Razed: 1998
3rd Depot built: 1999-2000   Research: Dave Keller

Hempstead-Branch-Timetable_2010.jpg (76785 bytes)
Hempstead Branch Timetable Sept-Nov 2010

Hempstead Station aerial showing the 1913 depot at the original, Fulton Ave. location prior to the tracks being cut back and temporary station in service 12/30/41.  In 1943 the grade crossings at Columbia and Jackson Streets were eliminated by moving the station north to Columbia street.
Archive: Art Huneke Research: Dave Keller
Emeryhempsteadbranch-MP20toHempsteadMP20after1942_07-1958.jpg (135759 bytes)
Emery map 7/1958 Hempstead Branch MP20 after 1943
Archive: Dave Keller
BLUEPRINT - Hempstead-Station-blueprint-1892_Huneke.jpg (104362 bytes)
LIRR Hempstead Station Blueprint 1892 Archive: Art Huneke


Hempstead-Station_viewNW_c.1907_Huneke.jpg (123890 bytes)
A  LIRR Hempstead Station postcard photograph that dates between 1906 when the D16b engines were built and 1908 when the branch was electrified.  A new turntable has been installed north and west of the enginehouse.  Note: The NY & LI Traction Co. car on Main Street where the 1839 Hempstead Branch was
until 1876. - Archive/Research: Art Huneke
LIRR-Hempstead-Station-map_1859_Huneke.jpg (117439 bytes)
LIRR Hempstead Station map 1859 Archive: NY Public Library
LIRR-Hempstead-Station-map-zoom-notation_1859_Huneke.jpg (81504 bytes)
The solid black line on the map is where I estimate the CRR's terminal and tracks to have been in relation to the LIRR's, as Stewart's depot at Hempstead was just to the left of the Presbyterian church, which is indicated on this map and which appears in many photos of Hempstead station at Fulton Ave.  One railroad line was practically parallel to the other.   Stewart's facilities were more substantial than the LIRR's, whose were much older, so after the takeover, the LIRR used the former CRR of LI facilities/tracks and eliminated their own. The c.1909 birds-eye view that appears above was most probably taken from the steeple of the Presbyterian church.  Nothing else was high enough for that camera angle.
Map Notation/Research: Dave Keller

CRR-Hempstead-Station_Fulton-St_viewNE_c.1909_Keller.jpg (94143 bytes)
LIRR Hempstead Station, Fulton St. View NE c.1909 Archive: Dave Keller

The  former Central RR of Long Island's 1873 Hempstead station on Fulton Street, in use by the LIRR. 
Note the MP41 MU car on the right.  The branch was electrified in 5/26/1908 and the depot building demolished in 1913.  This photo, then, would most probably have been taken in the window of May 26, 1908 (electrification) to c. 1910.   Dave Keller

CRR of LI Hempstead Station - Fulton Street c.1900  Collection: Hempstead Public Library

CRR of LI Hempstead Station - Fulton Street c.1900  View SE Collection: Hempstead Public Library

Hempstead-Station-area_4-4-0_viewSE-toward-Presbyterian-Church.jpg (51287 bytes)
LIRR 4-4-0 at Hempstead Station - View SE towards the Presbyterian Church on Fulton Ave. 

Hempstead-Station_c.1910_(Ziel-Keller).jpg (62275 bytes)
Hempstead Station View N c.1910 (Ziel-Keller)

The sign reads "LIRR Employees Hempstead."  Unfortunately there's no date on it but it was shot in August based on Hearn's ad. Also, those cars at the right are MP54 MUs, not MP41's so this image would be 1910-1912 as those cars first arrived in 1910.  MP41's arrived in 1905. Therefore, the photo cannot be earlier than 1910 or later than the 1913 replacement depot.  Research: Dave Keller

Hempstead-Station_2-26-33 Erlitz.jpg (80623 bytes)
Hempstead Station - View N - 2/26/1933 Archive: Jeff  Erlitz

Another view of the Hempstead station area on 2/26/1933, this time looking north (railroad west) across Jackson Street from near the north end of the longer platform.  HM Tower can be seen on the other side of Jackson Street.  This tower was in service from 9/1/1912 to 4/3/1933, when it was replaced with HM block-limit signal.  In those days, block-limits were called Unattended Block Stations.  The tower contained a 4-lever dwarf machine; the manufacturer unknown.  Lever 1 was for the tall home signal, 2 was for the dwarf signal that is hard to see between the tracks off the end of the platform, 3 was for the switch coming off these two platform tracks and lever 4 was the facing point lock for that switch.  The one drawing I have for HM Tower does not indicate the semaphore two-arm signal off in the distance.  Info: Jeff Erlitz

Former ROW view N from Centre St., Hempstead
5/07/1942 - NY State Dep't of Public Works in progress valuation photo.
Note: The 1913 depot that was moved north to Columbia St. (red rectangle).  Research: Dave Keller  - Photo: eBay 


This entire area was razed in 1942.  The photo view (left) is looking N towards where the station was relocated at W. Columbia St., several streets north of the original terminal at Fulton Ave.  Map/Research: Dave Keller

Former ROW view N from Centre St., Hempstead
5/07/1942 - valuation photo in progress.  Photo: eBay
Station-Hempstead-Newly Opened - 1913 (Keller).jpg (49579 bytes)
The brand new depot at Fulton Ave., Hempstead shortly after it
opened in February, 1913. 

This depot replaced the all-brick depot built by Alexander T. Stewart in 1872 for his Central Railroad of Long Island and used by the LIRR upon their acquisition of his railroad in 1878, as it was a better depot than the LIRR's own adjacent depot.  View is northwest (railroad west).  Note "Smith's Livery " at the left and the hitching post in the center foreground!  This image had to be photographed shortly after opening as there are NO handrails yet installed at the two concrete stair locations and no shrubbery in place.  It appears that the trees in the right background have leaves on them so this could be a May/June image.  The new terminal building would have been opened for only 3-4 months at the time this may have been taken.  (Dave Keller data and archive)

Hempstead Station - View N 1940 Archive: Gary Weinstein

Hempstead-station-valuation_viewNW_6-17-1943.jpg (58144 bytes)
Hempstead Station valuation photo view NW 6/17/1943  

The image, above, shows the Hempstead station building after it was moved back to Columbia Street, from Fulton Ave.  The notation on the back of the image states that it's a "completion shot" but although it was photographed in June, 1943, it does not mean that the relocated depot was opened then.  It could have been opened a month earlier and the photographer only told to photograph it in June. Research: Dave Keller

Hempstead-station-valuation_viewNW_6-17-1943_reverse.jpg (68243 bytes)
 Hempstead Station valuation photo view NW 6/17/1943 reverse

Hempstead-Station_viewN_1960.jpg (61389 bytes)
Hempstead Station view N 1960

Hard to imagine that the image from 1960 (left) shows the SAME depot with the same Spanish tiles (47 years in place!) yet after the major fire of 1962 the roof style was changed by eliminating the stylish upward curve of the eaves at the ends, ugly rooftop dormers were added which were NOT in keeping with the architectural style AND the Spanish tiles were replaced by hum-drum, 3-tab, asphalt roof shingles.

Hempstead-Station_1965_Sturm-Fehn.jpg (88984 bytes)
Hempstead Station 1965  "refurbished" structure 
post-fire damage. (Sturm-Fehn)

Hempstead Station - 11W home signal - View N
January 2021  Photo/Archive: Jason Baxter 

Home signal 11W leaving Hempstead terminal. This protects the single track between here and Garden City. Though this signal is supposedly capable of displaying a clear aspect, the best it actually displays is approach-medium, which is what we see here.  The switching lead track is on the right.   Info: Jeff Erlitz

Station-Hempstead-1969.jpg (70142 bytes)
Hempstead Station
1969 view NW
 (J. P. Krzenski photo, Dave Keller archive)
