
Soap Works, Hicksville 1878 Photo: George Bradford Brainerd (1845-1887)
Archive: Brooklyn Museum

Hicksville Station newly opened c.11/1909 - View NW
Note: The signal/switch linkage in the lower left corner operated by "DIVIDE" tower ("HX" Tower at the time of the photo). Archive: Richard Eikov

Station 1910  view NE from south side platform


Valentine Hicks, son-in-law of abolitionist and Quaker preacher Elias Hicks, and eventual president of the Long Island Rail Road, bought land in the village in 1834 and turned it into a station stop on the LIRR in 1837. The station became a depot for produce, particularly cucumbers for a Heinz Company plant. After a blight destroyed the cucumber crops, the farmers grew potatoes. It turned into a bustling New York City suburb in the building boom following World War II. Info: Wiki

The LIRR reached Hicksville in 1837, as a single track railroad.  The railroad extended eastward, finally reaching Greenport in 1844.  The railroad was not double-tracked to Hicksville until the 1890s. Two items to illustrate as follows: The Beers Atlas map of  1873 (left) shows  the LIRR as single track to Hicksville.  The second is a drawing which was copied from the archives of the Emery Collection, at the Special Collections Department of Stony Brook University. 
This drawing shows the railroad was not double-tracked to Hicksville until 1890 - 1891.

Hicksville_Beers-map-1873.jpg (315569 bytes)
Beers Map 1873 Archive: Dave Morrison

Hicksville 2nd Station c.1900 View W

Emery Map 1890-91 to May, 1909

Station-Hicksville-c. 1905.jpg (91107 bytes)
Hicksville 2nd Station c. 1905 View E  Archive: Dave Keller

Station-Hicksville-D16b-223-Water Tower-1910.jpg (77241 bytes)
New Hicksville station with water tower and D16b #223 on siding, with D56
(4-4-0) approaching station westbound – 1910 View E  Archive: Dave Keller



Emery Map 1912 

HicksvilleGateTower.jpg (103694 bytes)
Hicksville Gate Tower view W as seen on
Emery 1912 map (see above)

  Emery-Map-Hicksville-PortJeffBranchMP25-26.jpg (153092 bytes)
Emery Map MP 25-26 Port Jefferson Br. 1958

Emery_Hicksville_MP23-24_5-1958.jpg (221420 bytes)
Emery Map MP 23-24  1958

Emery Maps: Archive: Dave Keller 

Emery Map  MP24-25 1943

Emery Map MP 24-25  1958 
Emery-HicksvilleMP25-MP26_5-58.jpg (253395 bytes)
Emery Map MP 25-26 Main Line 1958

Mainline MP25-26 c.1960 Drawing/Archive: Steven Lynch
Continued here

Mainline MP25 to MP29 BETH Interlocking B Tower - Central Extension MP30 to MP35+ c.1960  Drawing/Archive: Steven Lynch

Nassau Feed & Coal  - View SW
Hicksville Express Hse., Station view E (below) 5/06/1932
Archive: Emery SUNY-Stony Brook


Mail crane with its locked pouch in position as it awaits pickup by Montauk bound Train No.4.  - View E 8/1954
Archive: Emery SUNY-Stony Brook

Hicksville mail Pickup 8/1954
Archive: Emery SUNY-Stony Brook

The RPO Clerk on the eastbound Montauk Train No.4 deftly swings out the mail catcher arm at the right second to secure the waiting mail pouch.   Notes: Robert Emery


Water plug, express house, and station
7/31/1937  Archive: Dave Keller

K2s 1458 at Divide 1940
Archive: Dave Keller

Jerusalem Ave., Hicksville - View N 1939
Archive: Dave Morrison

Broadway crossing, Hicksville - View W from DIVIDE
2/12/1942 Archive: Richard Eikov

Divide Tower - View W c.1947 (Smith-Morrison)

Hicksville Station - View E 1951
Archive: Thomas Valentino

H10s #117 taking water 7/25/1952
 Archive: Dave Keller

H16-44 1954
Archive: Dave Keller

PRR-H10s-108_taking-water-Hicksville-1954_ArtHuneke.jpg (95366 bytes)
PRR H10s #108 taking water Hicksville 1954 
Photo/archive: Art Huneke

lirr111-H10s_ on-L45_Hicksville-Freight-House_westofstation_viewE_10-1954_Huneke.jpg (134010 bytes)
LIRR #111 H10s on track L45 at Hicksville Freight House west of Hicksville station view E 10/1954 Photo: Art Huneke


 lirr2401Hicksville1955.jpg (69694 bytes)
LIRR #2401 westbound at Hicksville 1955
Archive: Kevin Galau

FM-FGP-16sc 1502_Train-5-westbound-Jamaica-daily_Hicksville 7_17_53_Votava-Boland.jpg (108650 bytes)
FM #1502 Train #5 westbound for Jamaica at Hicksville 
7/17/1953 (Votava-Boland)

G5s lirr35_train625_Broadway-Hicksville_westbound_Huneke.jpg (108706 bytes)
LIRR #35 G5s Train #625 westbound Broadway, Hicksville c.1953 Photo: Art Huneke

Mid-morning.... The Tager Auto Parts Store has signage in the windows indicating TOYS and TRAINS which, like hardware stores, etc. had them seasonally to sell for the Christmas Season. The women has winter clothing and the trees appear bare. It's winter Nov-Dec.

lirr39Hicksville Station10-16-55endofstem.jpg (82493 bytes)
LIRR #39 at Hicksville Station 10/16/1955 
End of Steam Run

FM_H16-44-1507-Orders-DIVIDE-Hicksville-1955.jpg (50558 bytes)
FM H16-44 #1507 in charcoal gray pulling Tichy-schemed cars eastbound and catching orders at “DIVIDE” – 1955 
Norman Kohl photo, Dave Keller archive

 cannonball9-62.jpg (96739 bytes)
Cannonball 9/1962 south of E. Cherry St., Hicksville looking NW. The siding is for Troiano Wholesale Distributors at MP 25.25 on Main line just south of Divide.  Archive: Kevin Galau

lirr108_freight-East-Nicholai-St_Hicksville_viewN.jpg (52212 bytes)
LIRR  #108  Eastbound freight at East Nicholai Street, Hicksville View N Archive: Dave Morrison
(See: Emery Map MP 25-26 1958 above)

Note: It is L-62 (Greenport Freight) as the engine #108 was usually assigned to this run. Info: Gene Collora
1939 Hagstrom Map of Hicksville.jpg (195422 bytes)
Hicksville Hagstrom map 1939

1960 pre-grade-elimination Hagstrom map.jpg (119062 bytes)
Hicksville Hagstrom map - 1960 Pre-grade Elimination Project

1960s post-grade elimination Hagstrom map showing E. Cherry St. severed by the new embankment.jpg (211281 bytes)
Hicksville Hagstrom map - 1960's Post-grade Elimination Project
with E. Cherry St. severed

hicksville elevation project_EdBady.jpg (70970 bytes)
Hicksville Elevation Project view E at 
Jerusalem Ave. Rd. Photo: Ed Bady

RS3 #1555 westbound passenger train south of  Old Country Road grade crossing 8/14/1959 Archive: Jeff Erlitz

FM-H16-44_no.1505_eastbound-freight_c.1959_Keller.jpg (98592 bytes)
FM H16-44 #1505 Eastbound freight at MP23.5 crossing Charlotte Ave. c.1959 Archive: Dave Keller

FM CPA20-5 #2008 eastbound 8/14/1959 Archive: Robert Emery SUNY-Stony Brook   Note: train on the Main Line, just east and around the bend from Divide Tower. The East Marie Street crossing is in the distance as well as Divide’s home Signal 1. This is either a Montauk or Greenport train as the first two cars are parlors. Jeff Erlitz

Hicksville-west-of-station_viewE_01-1967_WilliamJ.Brennan.jpg (102146 bytes)
Hicksville west of station view E 1/1967 
Photo: William J. Brennan

G.O  603 Westbury-Hicksville Interlocking Diagram 7/28/1959
Archive: Jeff Erlitz

G.O.-1113-Hicksville-Elevated-Station-Interlocking-Diagram_09-19-64 (LIRR-Keller).jpg (112644 bytes)
G.O. 1113 LIRR Hicksville Elevated Station Interlocking Diagram 09/19/64
Archive: Dave Keller

System Road Chart-Hicksville-March-1982 (LIRR-Keller).jpg (256243 bytes)
LIRR system road chart Hicksville 3/1982 
Archive: Dave Keller

Hicksville_3-83_LIRR-Physical-Characteristics-map.jpg (70858 bytes)
Hicksville Physical Characteristics map 3/1983

C420 # 226 idles on the Atlantic Pipe track, while the 160 passes westbound on Main Line 1 in Divide Interlocking, just west of Hicksville station.
1/1985. Photo/Archive: Jay Bendersky

Broadway, Hicksville- View S 1962 Michael Naimoli

Broadway, Hicksville - View N 1967
Photo: Michael Dolan Archive: Thomas Valentino

Broadway, Hicksville - view N 2021 Archive: Thomas Valentino
 HicksvilleStationDemo1962.jpg (39141 bytes)
Hicksville Station Demolition 11/1962
Courtesy: Dave Morrison
Archive: Dave Keller
 HicksvilleStationDemo1962-2.jpg (137700 bytes)
Hicksville Station Demolition Map
Courtesy: Dave Morrison  Archive: Dave Keller

Hicksville elevated  station opening day
9/12/1964 - Archive: Dave Morrison

HicksvilleStationDemo1962-3.jpg (100411 bytes)
Hicksville Station Demolition Map Back
Courtesy: Dave Morrison Archive: Dave Keller

Hicksville-Station-elevated-opening_9-12-64.jpg (36293 bytes)
New elevated Hicksville Station opening ceremony
9/12/1964 - Archive: Dave Morrison

When Hicksville was elevated, they only elevated from about 1/2 mile West of the station to a mile East of the station on both the Ronkonkoma and Port Jefferson branches. Charlotte Avenue wasn't touched during the elevation. It wasn't until after the electrification to Hicksville and Huntington that they decided to eliminate the Charlotte Avenue crossing, which was completed in 1973, due to the increased volume of trains (mainly electrics) that would still fly by not at MAS but about 60-65 MPH. Info: Matt Kobel

Tower-DIVIDE-Hicksville-View SE-1962 (Keller).JPG (123090 bytes)
DIVIDE Tower - Hicksville view SE 1962

Controlling the junction of the Main Line and the Port Jefferson branch since opening day of May 27, 1909, the original structure known as "DIVIDE" tower is soon to be a memory.  With the telegraphic call letters of "HX" when opened, it was renamed "HN" on 11/23/28 when the Pennsylvania Railroad, the parent company of the LIRR, decided that no block offices were to have the letter "X" in their calls.  In April, 1939, the tower was renamed "DIVIDE" and has remained so-named ever since.  This 1962 view looking SE shows the tower from the Port Jefferson branch side.  The Main Line side is beyond the tower and you can catch a glimpse of the old-style PRR keystone whistle post along the Main Line tracks to the far right of this image.  At the rear of the tower is some rubble, indicating that the grade crossing elimination that will change the face of the town has already begun.  In the left background can be seen the old two story section house and section chief's office and parked on its west side is an old LIRR maintenance truck.  The new "DIVIDE" tower will be built directly in front of this old tower and when the elevated tracks are functional and the new tower placed into service, the old wooden landmark will be demolished into yet another pile of historic rubble.  (Dave Keller archive and data)

LIRailroader V8N18 08291963 p4 Divide Tower new old.jpg (221305 bytes)
LI Railroader V8N18 08/29/1963 page 4 Divide Tower
Archive: Al Castelli

LIRailroader V8N8 04111963 p1 new Divide Tower construction.jpg (120185 bytes)
LI Railroader V8N8 04/11/1963 page 1 new Divide Tower construction
Archive: Al Castelli

Divide Tower 1967 Photo: Dave Keller

Hicksville-viewW-from-Divide-Tower_9-1979_NaomiLasdon.jpg (165052 bytes)
Hicksville view W from Divide Tower 9/1979 Newsday photo: Naomi Lasdon

LIRailroader V1N16 08021956 p1 DivideTower garden.jpg (126106 bytes)
LI Railroader V1N16 08/02/1956 page 1 
Divide Tower garden Archive: Al Castelli

hicksville1966.jpg (186406 bytes)
LIRR map 1966 Page 54

LIRR map 1986 Hicksville Page 40
Archive: Jeff Erlitz  

Divide_viewW_02-20-78.jpg (96968 bytes)
Hicksville - Divide Tower view W 2/20/1978 

Hicksville - View W 7/10/1971 (Smith-Morrison)

lirr201Hicksville12-27-69ArtSingle.jpg (44520 bytes)
LIRR #201 C420 at Hicksville Friday 10:03am Eastbound 12/27/1963 "Dashing Dan" yet to be applied.
Photo: Art Single  Elimination Project in background. As C420 units 200-207 were built 12/1963-02/1964 this photo of LIRR  #201 is just after delivery

Main Line - Hicksville Track profile map 1994

Alco C420 #219 c.1964+
Photo: Steve Hoskins
LIRR-L153-020986-HicksvilleAlCastelli.jpg (122802 bytes)
LIRR MP15ac #153 2/9/1986 in Hicksville Yard. Looking north to West John St, #153 is on the eastern most track and the freight cars are on the center track of the three tracks. 
Info and Photo: Al Castelli 
LIRR-L222-070585-HicksvilleAlCastelli.jpg (167782 bytes)
LIRR C420 #222, MP15ac #159 7/5/1985 in Hicksville Yard. Looking south, the two diesels are on the eastern most track with West John St behind the photographer and the other 2 tracks and freight house to the right. Info and Photo: Al Castelli 

Hicksville Station 11/18/1972

Hicksville RS-1 #463 freight View E 12/29/1969 
Photo: George Forero

Hicksville RS-1 #463 View NE 12/29/1969
Photo: George Forero
C51_ViewE_4-1970_JimParker.jpg (121934 bytes)
C51 View E 4/1970 Photo: Jim Parker

The overpass just east of the Hicksville Station and Divide Tower over Bay Ave./E. Barclay St. at the beginning of the Port Jefferson Branch.  The third rail is brand new at this location prior to the completion of the Mineola-Huntington Electrification completed October 13, 1970 with service commencing on October 19, 1970.  Info: Mike McEnaney

Huntington is presently the terminus of electrification on the Port Jefferson Branch. The project was extended from Mineola and completed October 13, 1970 with service commencing on October 19, 1970 and since then the station has become an intermediate transfer point for off-peak riders between electric trains to and from Penn Station and diesel scoot trains to Port Jefferson. 
Info: Dave Morrison


Hicksville MP25.43 switch 255W Track 1 to
LILCO - view E   Photo/Archive: Jeff Erlitz
LIRR-L223-011886-HicksvilleAlCastelli.jpg (170382 bytes)
LIRR C420 #223 1/18/1986 in Hicksville Yard. Looking north, the Alco is leading MP15ac #153 and their string of freight cars with hack C-50 bringing up the rear. Behind the photographer is the mainline. Info and Photo: Al Castelli 
LIRR-L222-C50-101285-HicksvilleAlCastelli.jpg (160161 bytes)
LIRR C420 #222 and hack C-50 10/12/1985 at Hicksville Yard. The freight house is at the left and MP15ac #157 is coupled behind the Alco. In the background is one of the LIRR's jet powered snow melters #TC990. Info and Photo: Al Castelli 

NYA261Divide7-30-09Dietrich.jpg (208911 bytes)
NYA GP38-2 #261 westbound arriving from the Port Jefferson Branch with a freight drag having just past Divide Tower  7/30/2009 

Hicksville-Temp-Station_07-19-64_Dave-Keller.jpg (76983 bytes)
Hicksville temporary station 07/19/1964 Photo/Archive: Dave Keller
NYAR-Hicksville-WestJohnSt-yardsign-10282010-AlCastelli.jpg (188763 bytes)
NYA RR W. John Street Yard 10/28/2010 Photo: Al Castelli
welcometoHicksville.jpg (44385 bytes)
Valentine Hicks, 2nd President LIRR
"Welcome to Hicksville"

Hicksville - Penn Station Eagle 7/29/2020
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Hicksville - Penn Station Eagle close-up 7/29/2020
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Hicksville Station welcome sign  7/29/2020
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Hicksville Station mural 7/29/2020  View W left wall
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Hicksville Station mural 7/29/2020  View W right wall
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Hicksville's LIRR  John Bull Steam Engine History

Hicksville new digital train signs 6/25/2021 Photo/Archive: Tim Darnell

Hicksville aerial - Newsday 3/07/2022

Photo display on the west wall of the Hicksville Station waiting room.  At the left bottom panel, I noted the photos are from the Ed Bady Collection, of the Hicksville Public Library.  The exhibit was prepared by the Hicksville Historical Society. - 8/30/2024  Photo: Dave Morrison

190th Anniversary Tribute

On October 8,  the Hicksville Historical Society presented a program celebrating the 190th anniversary of Long Island Rail Road and the 69th anniversary of Operation Changeover in 1955.

The presentation took place at the Hicksville Public Library, David Morrison served as the Master of Ceremonies and welcomed all in attendance. Participating in the event were the President of Railroad Museum of Long Island Don Fisher and the President of Oyster Bay Railroad Museum John Specce. The Library’s community room was decorated with historical paintings and pictures by the Railroad Historian David Morrison and was filled with excitement.

The President of the Hicksville Historical Society, Richard Althaus, thanked David Morrison for his great efforts to preserve the history of Long Island Rail Road and Hicksville community, and wished to all attending the event to enjoy the program.

The guest speakers who attended included Nassau County Legislator Rose Marie Walker, Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Long Island Rail Road President Rob Free, Fred Ruff, a former Boy Scout at 1955 ‘Operation Changeover’, and James Pavone creator of Hicksville’s John Bull locomotive.

Included in the special events was an unveiling of the portrait of Valentine Hicks, who was the founder of Hicksville and the second President of Long Island Rail Road. The Master of Ceremonies David Morrison invited Nassau County Legislator Rose Marie Walker and Long Island Rail Road President Rob Free to join in this portion of the ceremony. According to the writings of the Hicksville historian, Richard Evers, Valentine Hicks had three little locomotives, the Plowboy, Ariel and Hicksville. More details are available in his article titled: “50th Anniversary of the End of Steam Trains.”

The Master of Ceremonies David Morrison invited Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Hicksville Historical Society President Richard Althaus to unveil the Operation Changeover plaque designed by David Morrison and implemented by Winsor Fireform Company, a company specialized in porcelain enamel, graphics, and imaging. The plaque has, printed on it two trains: Steam Locomotive #35 and Steam Locomotive #39. These trains, according to the text printed on the plaque, “met on a rainy day at Hicksville Station, on October 8, 1955” with the purpose of marking “the end of steam locomotives on the Long Island Rail Road”. The Steam Locomotive #35 and Steam locomotive #39 were the official “retirees” on that day. This plaque, funded by the Hicksville Historical Society, will eventually be placed at the south end of Hicksville’s Kennedy Park, to landmark the area where the End of Steam happened. This plaque will be in the same area where the John Bull Steam Locomotive replica is standing.

Another special moment during the event recognized a long time Hicksville resident Fred Ruff, who is the former Boy Scout participated at 1955 ‘Operation Changeover’. Richard Evers, in his article describing the ceremony which took place on October 8, 1955, writes: “Highlight of the ceremony was the presence of Fred Ruff, a Boy Scout who, in 1955’s ceremony, rang the Engine 35’s Bell for the last time, in symbolic salute to the then passing of the great “L.I.R.R. Age of Steam Trains.” With the assistance of David Morrison, Fred Ruff stood in front of the attendees in the community room of the Hicksville Public Library, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 11:30 AM, and he rang the Steam Engine Bell, making all his friends happy and excited.

During the meeting, informative journals with the title “The John Bull Steam locomotive Replica” were graciously provided to each attendee by the past President of the Hicksville Chamber of Commerce James Pavone. This journal was printed in 2008 by the Hicksville Chamber of Commerce. The Journal Editors were David Morrison and Val Pakaluk. The journal was used on May 17, 2008 at the dedication ceremony of the John Bull steam locomotive replica. James Pavone is the creator of the John Bull steam locomotive replica, which now it stands on permanent display in Kennedy Memorial Park downtown Hicksville, across the Empire Diner.

In the audience, among others, were: Jeffrey Pravato – Receiver of Taxes of Town of Oyster Bay, Brian Nevin – Public Information Officer of Town of Oyster Bay, Hector Garcia – Chief of Staff of Long Island Rail Road, Roseann Acosta – Acting Director of Hicksville Public Library, Chris Economou – President Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Hicksville, Janet Bergholtz – Treasurer of the Hicksville Historical Society, Susan Caron – Photographer/Editor at the News 12 Long Island, Rick Kopstein – from the Newsday, and others.

At the end the Master of Ceremonies David Morrison thanked the Nassau County and Town Oyster Bay officials, the Long Island Rail Road representatives, the other honored guests, the photo reporters covering the ceremony, and all the attendees. The attendees expressed their appreciation for the well-organized event and the opportunity to learn more details of the history of their community.

Article courtesy: Mid-Island Times -  Saturday, October 19, 2024

190th Anniversary Tribute Flyer - 10/08/2024
Archive: Dave Morrison

Newsday - "LIRR milestones celebrated" - 10/09/2024

Newsday On-line - "LIRR milestones celebrated" - 10/09/2024
Operation Changeover by Alfonso A. Castillo

Valentine Hicks is the first name on the LIRR 1834 Charter

LIRR President Rob Free presentation



Photos: Carl Dimino, retired LIRR Supervisor of Equipment
unless indicated.


RMLI President Don Fisher with LIRR engine #39 bell  transported (hauled or lugged might be better words) all the way in from Riverhead to enhance this historic event!

Anatomy of a Bell Ringing! - by Don Fisher

LIRR engine #39 bell rung at Operation Changeover in 1955
by Boy Scout Fred Ruff (right), now 84.

Significant Dates in Hicksville Railroad History

●  March 1, 1837 - Single track arrives in Hicksville
●  Circa 1890 - Railroad double tracked to Hicksville
●  October 30, 1909 - Brick Station building opened
●  September 10, 1910 - Trains run in Penn Station
●  October 8, 1955 - Operation Changeover
●  September 12, 1964 - Elevated station opened
●  May 15, 1965 - Penn Station Eagle dedicated
●  October 13, 1970 - Tracks electrified to Huntington
●  October 8, 2005 - 50th Anniv. of Operation Changeover
●  May 17, 2008 - John Bull locomotive dedicated


Oyster Bay Receiver of Taxes, Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Nassau County Legislator Rose Walker present a plaque dedicated to “Operation Changeover” to Richard Althaus, President of the Trustees of the Hicksville Historical Society Trustees

Valentine Hicks portrait presentation

John Bull creator Jim Pavone

MORE John Bull Info

Nassau Legislator Rose Marie Walker with James Pavone next to Hicksville's John Bull picture.

Nassau County citation presented to the LIRR


Photos: Carl Dimino, unless indicated.
Retired LIRR Supervisor of Equipment

LIRR Locos #35 and #39 meet in O scale - Hicksville Historical Society
Historical Photographs & Artwork
Kenneth S. Barnes Community Room, Hicksville Public Library

LIRR G5s #35 Lou Mallard painting Archive: OBRM

LIRR G5s #39 Lou Mallard painting Archive: RMLI

Hicksville historical railroad images

Coordination/Photos: Dave Morrison

LIRR #35 OBRM wall display

Hicksville 1960's Elevation Project

Jim Pavone with John Bull - Hicksville portraits - 1873 map

Baby Girl Movie Display - Hicksville Public Library

Roxey LIRR dog 1901-1913
display at Hicksville Public Library


Photos: Vanessa Rusulis

"Cold Spring Station" (LIRR Oyster Bay Station)
display at Hicksville Public Library
